Gorgeous half million dollar tapestry woven from Golden Orb spider silk - Must see!

Wow - they’d picket me, if they found out I kill every spider I see with extreme prejudice.

Slavery? Nah, just a day job to them. Heck, not even a day job–it took 20 minutes to get get “silked” and they got set free. Sounds like it was more work for the spider wranglers than the spiders themselves.

If silk is what comes out of you, I bet you’ll be able to find someone to do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! You didn’t say there were pictures of the spiders in the link!!! Smash, smash, smash!!!

Those are just the females. The males are 5x larger.

Just kidding. It’s the females who are larger.

have you ever seen baby spiders? they’re a million times smaller.

“nonplussing” is the word I used to describe it when sending a friend the link.

I know, it’s not a word. I wanted a word that’s not a word.

This is my new second-favorite fabric, next to byssus.

Amazing. Like someone else said, I’d love to feel the tapestry.

Revenge of The Spider Slaves might be a good movie idea…

I don’t know much about weaving. Was this likely done on a loom once the thread was assembled or by some hand weaving method?


(I have a plain old velour-fleece gold color blankie that a friend painstakingly handstitched a beautiful sheer gold curtain panel to, so it’s reversible. Now I can pretend my wrap is made from spider silk…)

Spider silker. Another job I could never do. I have the shivering heebie jeebies just thinking about it.

But an amazing feat, this tapestry.

I’d ben okay with the spiders, as long I knew how to protect myself, but I have a morbid fear of spiderwebs. (I know, weird, but I’ve always been that way). Pulling it out of the spider or weaving it into a rug would be okay, but the first time I walked into an actual web I’d have a nervous breakdown.

There’s an “official” youtube video about this that’s worth watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z07dB3sKTs

My exact thought just from the headline. And also my favorite episode of all time.

Seriously, though, I’d like to join the crowd of folks who just want to touch that. It is absolutely amazing-looking.

Small enough to effortlessly crawl into orifices while you sleep? 'Cause that’s pretty small.

That’s when you find yourself trapped in the sticky spider-silk. Then the spiders coming swarming out…

No one who loves laws, sausages or spider-silk tapestries should ever watch them being made.

yup! which i imagined might look like this or this. :smiley:

no warning for the squeamish

I wondered what made the silk gold-colored.

From here.