Got a rec for screenshot software on Pc?

This guy at the church men’s group wants to get a program that will show his wife that he’s being good with the computer, and our best idea was something that sends random screenshots. I know there are filters, but I keep hearing about people getting around them. If there were random pictures taken, it would be impossible to work around it deliberately without uninstalling the program and making it obvious.

I did see PC Mag’s list of employee monitoring software, but the ones I’ve looked at so far include all kinds of things he doesn’t need, and some are expensive. Recommendations would be welcome. Thanks.

Sounds healthy.

Teamviewer or Anydesk would allow the wife to initiate a remote desktop into the machine at her discretion.

Otherwise if you know someone who codes, it probably wouldn’t be that hard to write a powershell script to take screenshots and email them somewhere. More easily intercepted or modified by the user though.

I presume “being good with the computer” is a euphemism for not looking at porn, right? This isn’t about too much Candy Crush?

If a grown man has that much of a problem that he has to resort to such measures, no measure will be enough. This presumes he has no self control, and if he has no self control, he will find ways around it, and there are plenty of ways around any technical solution. I think chemical castration might be his best bet.

My thoughts exactly, though it could also be that he’s ‘good with the computer’ and she’s just paranoid. He could get a secret laptop or tablet and Candy Crush till she returns home.

It sounds more like a paranoid, controlling wife.

I recommend Print Key 2000. I’ve been using it for years at work and at home. It’s terrific for creating instructions for computer tasks. Also it’s little to no overhead, since it’s basically the power key shell that Inner Stickler recommended.

I think PrintKey2000 just lets you take screenshots whenever you want, though, right? I’m looking for something that takes them at random or regularly without prompting by the user.

Here is something. (A stop-gap solution, in the long term the problem probably needs to be adressed by a therapist or divorce attorney.)

No, you can set it to capture at regular intervals of 10 seconds to thirty minutes. In fact, I was playing with it when I wrote my previous post and caught about twelves shots.