Got any tips for discount travel?

I’m thinking about going to London for 4-6 days in September with the missus. Our means are limited, so I’m looking for a deal on airfare + accomodations. A colleague pointed me to travelzoo dot com, and I found a package deal for airfare and 6 nights in London for $699 per person. Seems like a really good deal, since the package is cheaper that a single round-trip ticket elsewhere. Are there any other site out there that have deals like this? I found another site called shermanstravel dot com with similar deals that seems to point back to the same handful of companies. I’ve looked at and a few others without much luck.

Any good sources for vacation packages? often has links to package deals. If your schedule is flexible, skyauction has some deals.

Wow, that BudgetTravel site has some great deals. Thanks for posting that, I’ll have to use it sometime.

Thanks, Electric Monk. Looks like a winner.

See if you can figure out where the hotel is. Often times those deals are for hotels near the airport- and it is totally worth more money to be closer downtown for a city like London. You don’t want to have two hours on the tube just to get to and from your hotel to the sights.

Yeah, I’m finding a lot of that. Last time I was there I stayed the Radisson Edwardian Sussux off Oxford St., but I haven’t been able to find it included in any packages. It looks like a decent hotel is gonna cost me an extra $100 for the trip, but I’m still unter $2000 for airfare & hotel. So that’s ok.