Got anything nice to say?

Mom and I bought a new trailer a few months ago, and we finally got it installed at my landlord’s place a couple of weeks ago. This’ll probably be as close as we’ll ever get to owning our own home, and we love it. We have a place where we can go when it gets too loud or bright inside.

holey moley, it’s a good thing they supply it, not too many would have one of those at home :smiley:

How big is your trailer, ekedolphin? I just went to the Royal (Agricultural) Show. They always have caravans (what we call trailers) on display, I love going inside and checking them out.

Here’s something nice: indie pop rock.

A couple of months ago I came across an indie pop rock streaming station. I had been craving for such a radio station for a long time and now that I’ve finally found this seemingly inexhaustible source of indie pop rock my spirits have been lifted up way higher and I feel unbelievably energetic.

Gearing up for our annual trip to the Oregon coast. Looking forward to the fish and chips and the jazz festival.

We’re gearing up for a trip, too. We’re going to stay at a place north of Seattle and explore the Cascade Mountains. We’ll also cross over to Anacortes and take a ferry to see the San Juan Islands.

I am very, very ready for a vacation.

21 neighborhood ferals and strays successfully trapped, neutered, vaccinated, and returned. 3 (I think) to go. 2 decided to move in with me, including the former tom who I’m pretty sure fathered many of them, most of the rest are hanging out not far away and eating in my back yard. Winter shelters progressing and being occupied as they are ready.

The two elderly ladies who were feeding them when I moved to the neighborhood earlier in the year are no longer able to do so. I bought a couple traps, worked with my local open-intake shelter, and now we are within spitting distance of a healthy, well-managed community cat colony that will not breed and be a nuisance to the neighbors who are not happy about all the strays.

Not how I saw the year going, but I’m pretty happy with it. Woman who likes cats to crazy neighborhood cat lady in less than a year.

I’m betting you are a happy girl today blob, what with your home-team winning the AFL Grand Final yesterday. And what a game it was, just brilliant.

And I’m very happy too 'cos the company I work for is based in NSW, so tomorrow is a public holiday. Can’t ever complain about a long-weekend, right? :smiley:

Oh Bravo Mrs. Cake! Well done! You are truly a hero, not crazy at all but extremely sane.

This whole thread has been uplifting but I have to say, Mrs. Cake takes the cake. (sorry)

Eta: also thanks Blob for starting this thread, and everyone else for participating. Maybe we should do one of these monthly?

It’s been raining all day. I realize that’s a miserable weekend for most, but I love gray skies and rain. We desperately need this.

Got my parents squared away for a visit at a vacation rental in my neighborhood for veterans day weekend activities. Lots of activities for my dad to enjoy.

Watching football and eating black fried rice before I start work on Christmas presents.

Oh, I’d love to go to Oregon and Washington state. From the photos, it looks beautiful there.

Not crazy cat lady, Mrs Cake, responsible cat lady…

Actually, I couldn’t care less. I don’t follow the football… (ducks and runs away :D)

I’m going to have a baby in January. It’s been a long road even to get here, infertility suuuuucks, but we started telling friends and it’s made it real. The anxiety is still overwhelming at times, but more days than not now I can see a glimpse of a happy future.


woohoo! baby araminty! I hope your pregnancy continues with as little stress and anxiety as can be.

What great news in this upbeat thread, just what we all need.

I was recently at the birth of my first grandchild. People rave about becoming grandparents, but I was still surprised at how much I love that baby and how delicious it is to hand her back to her parents when she wails.

Thanks to everyone for posting in this thread. Unfortunately, I won’t be back. Bye.

This isn’t the thread you should abandon, blob. You should stay away from the angry political ones, not this pleasant one. Sorry to see you go.

Next weekend is the wedding reception for my nephew and his new wife. They were married a few weeks ago, 1/2 way across the country from most of their friends, so this will be the party for the locals. I was able to make the wedding, and I’ll be at this reception (so double the goodness for me!). They make the cutest couple. It’s enough to make their photos look like advertising shots. You can see their love each time they look at each other. It’s so sweet.


May you have a boring next 4 months, and may your sweet little one always be happy and healthy.

Fuzzy blanket season.