Got August Gripes?

Do you have any screen shots of that woman who was obviously threatening you? Not that it would probably make any difference to the dumbots at FB.

I have no words, only inarticulate spluttering noises of outrage.

Day 1 of riding the school bus was an adventure for the kindergartner. The morning went fine - she and her big sister get on the same bus in the AM, so no worries. In the afternoon, Lily is supposed to ride the same bus, but she is released an hour earlier than the high school students. So, I spent an hour at the bus stop, waiting for my kid, calling the bus garage and the school, etc. Turns out, there was a misprint on the school’s paperwork, and Lily was put on the wrong bus. It was handled very well - the driver returned her to the school, she had a snack with the principal while waiting, and the high school bus was diverted to pick her up and bring her home with her big sister. But an hour in the August sun, waiting and panicking? Not so much fun for mom!

Damn it, I have some sort of itchy rash on one of my legs, that gets bigger when I scratch it. I don’t know what could have caused it - I was only outside for a short while today, and I was wearing long pants then. I wonder if something inside the house caused it, after I put on shorts after taking a shower. I don’t know. :confused:
At least I have calamine lotion.

Waitaminuite----it’s the beginning of August, what are they doing on a school bus!
School should start the Wed after Labor day, and the screaming escape mid June. We were pleasantly surprised to have heat in the winter, A/C was invented a quarter century after my elementary school was finished.

Oh, I couldn’t agree more! (Especially here in steamy south Georgia, where it would be a lot more sensible to air condition the buildings in June versus August, usually.) But I don’t get to write the schedules… :frowning:

A lot of my out-of-state parent friends’ kids are starting school around now, too.


Some of the school districts around here are starting the last week in August. I’m guessing it’s in anticipation of an encore performance of last winter (GODPLEASENOOOOOO). Because of all the snow days, school didn’t end here until the bitter end of June.

God damned semi-inconsiderate fucking thieving neighbors!

At a little before 2 p.m., my daughter took the car and went to Starbucks for a coffee. At 5 p.m., it was time for her to drive to Santa Ana to rehearse for the show she’s doing. A 5:05 p.m., she came back into the apartment to ask me if I had gone outside to remove the GPS unit and keycard to the driveway gate from the car.

Well, of course, I had not. Somebody had strolled into our garage, opened the car (which evidently had been left unlocked, and ransacked it.

Missing are: our Garmin Nuvi GPS, the aforementioned keycard, a broken computer which I had been planning to drop off at the Goodwill, my Megamillions and Powerball playslips, and a few coins.

Not missing are: My wife’s handicapped parking placard, the lanyard with my photo ID and access keycard to the facility where I work, my miniature LED flashlight that I use at work, and my registration and proof of insurance.


Kayla’s quite shaken by this violation of our personal space. As am I, and her mother.

Guess it’s time to start locking the fucking garage every time I take the car out or put it back in.

August gripe #2 : California Unemployment insurance.

I was initially impressed with the online registration. Got all my forms filled out and filed online. I filled out my claim form for the first two weeks (first week is unpaid) and then a SECOND claim form for the next two weeks. I signed up to CalJobs & UI Online as instructed.

I was informed through email I’ve been paid for the first week and the next two weeks will probably be ready later this week. Yay… you think!

There are no more paper checks. It is directly deposited in a BofA account and your receive a debit card within 3-5 business days of payment. Okay… where’s the fucking debit card? I’ll have decent money in there by Friday with three weeks coming. BUT I CAN"T GET THE MONEY.

Looking for work? Yes, I am. But I really don’t want an interview without a haircut, new shoes, a full tank of gas and a bill or two paid.

They also changed the system: Only open 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM weekdays. ONE, ONLY ONE number to call. There used to be other numbers that took care of specific problems, like if your last employer was refusing payment or something. Not anymore. So you call, press the right numbers, (you can’t skip ahead) and then about ten minutes into EACH call, you hear, “We will connect you with the next available operator. We’re sorry, there are no operators available to assist you at this time. GOODBYE.” (!!!) What the fuck? They actually hang up. So you call back and hope to find a place in line.

I feel like I’m in a line around the block, I get to the front, some asshole pushes me out of the way and I have to go to the back again. So far, I’ve only called for two days, about 9 tries. I’m trying again tomorrow. If you try after 10:00 am, forget it.

If I finally get ahold of them, I’d love to just request the paper checks, but they aren’t available. I also expect to hear, “This is Bank Of America’s issue.” I call BofA and hear, “this is EDD’s issue”, and back and forth we go while I file more claim forms and build up a fictional bank account that no one can access.

And no, you cannot email them directly or questions about where your debit card is. Just get in line and hope.

kaylasdad99, that sucks. I’d be kicking myself right not for not locking the garage. The same thing happened to a friend of mine outside of her house…she ended up taking everything inside with her even though it was a PITA to dismantle everything every single time.

Locrian, I’ve heard a lot of stuff about CA’s unemployment insurance but not about a BoA debit card in order to get your money. Amazing how the more attempts to be streamlined the more bureaucratic things get. I’m sorry :frowning:

Not unless you’re into that kind of thing, I’m guessing. No rum since sometime in the early 70s, flogging went out well before that, and I’m guessing with the legalization of gay sailors in 2000, that’s all consensual.

But seriously… I took a peek at the Royal Navy website, and being an uneducated knucklehead isn’t an impediment to enlisting for quite a few specialties- for example, being what the US Navy would call a mess crank seems wide open.

Last night I had my suspicion confirmed that my Stepmother is the type of customer who makes me twitch and rant.

We were talking about financial stuff from after my Dad passed. She claims that the financial management company (which has been handling their money for years) talked her into both letting them make all the investment decisions for her, as well as changing the type of investments to risky ones and now she’s lost money. This is possible, I suppose.

However, she then was telling me about the financial adviser that her new (3rd) attorney recommended. She had given him papers about her investments in the last week or two (I’m a little fuzzy on the timeline) to copy and look over for her. When he did not copy/scan them within a couple days (largely because he was out of town, and told her he was going out of town), she has decided that he is also a shady character, and she’ll never hire him.

Basically, she is the customer who has decided that she/he is the most important person any professional has to deal with, and anything else that stops that from happening (and jumping when she/he says jump) means that they are not worthy of her/his business.

I’ve suspected this for a while, even before Dad died; I’ve heard similar complaints about doctors not returning calls (and she means the MD, not his office), people emailing instead of calling (which is a somewhat reasonable complaint, but that’s because she’s 73), and even, when Dad passed, she got mad at the funeral home’s minister/officiant for not actually coming to the house to talk to us about things. (We ended up using Skype instead.)

It’s very hard to listen to sometimes, when she is being exactly the person that I complain about at work when I have to help them. And ghods forbid I tell her she might be the unreasonable one. That could open a whole other can of whoop-ass that I don’t want to deal with.


I have now fixed the Flymo lawnmower, and my dad bought me a new strimmer (without even asking me, I’m touched) :slight_smile:

I’d say this is an anti-rant but I fully expect there to be further developments and rants after my next round of lawncare. Husband seems to think I’m in danger of losing a foot next time the lawnmower blade flies off…

A minor gripe with a modestly happy ending.

Got a letter from Chase Bank for a Mr. Johnson. Who had lived in my house (as a renter while I was overseas) 14 Years Ago. I mean, really? You keep that good a track of your customers, Chase?

So I sent it back to them with a short note saying the above and that I was so impressed by their keeping track of their customers that I would do my upmost to never use their services for anything.

Admittedly, it was probaby the waste of a stamp and no one will read it, but damn it all, I feel at least $0.49 better for it.

:slight_smile: And I am not making anywhere near a hundred grand, which is why I don’t want to bitch too much. I will get my money, I know I will, I am just appalled and amazed at the total lack of urgency on anyone’s part. It’s not their money!

Well, um, it doesn’t seem all that unreasonable to think that if a mower blade flew off, some personal injury might result. No?

We are on “staycation”, and it’s wonderful to be able to sleep in. Except for yesterday morning, when at five a.m., a thunderstorm, complete with hail, started!

And I hate the beep, beep, beep of my alarm!

Damn. I’m sitting here at work with my entire body quivering in pain. Was off yesterday (which was hell), should have been Monday, have exactly TWO PTO days for the rest of the year.

No pain meds.

And two weeks until the spinal cortisone shots.

Wondering if my fate is to be the weird uncle whose health deteriorates rapidly and dies in his early 50’s. I’m certainly beginning to be afraid of my own mortality in this.

Man, Chimera. Narcotics don’t help?

One of the only good things about my A/C breaking in the middle of summer is that we’re having a brief break from the heat wave and it’s (almost) tolerable in my house with the windows open, the house fan perpetually running, and a stand fan blowing directly on me.

The other good thing is that the HVAC/plumbing company I call for service is always able to come out the next day and FIX it. For always being 2 prior occasions and this being the third.