Got Virus?

I’m looking to sabotage a few computers at a certain location with a virus. Nothing bad, just want a few days off from work because they denied my vacation time request. Few questions:

  1. Can I download a virus and save it to a disk safely as an EXE. file from my personal computer without any harm? Then just slip the disk into the poor machine at work, click on the program and let it do it’s thing?

  2. Anybody have one for me?


A real nasty one, too…If you can do that. I’ll get to waste “precious” company time formating all the C drives.

Have you bothered to look at the registration agreement for this board? It says:

I’ve reported this thread to the moderator.

I know that my reply probably belongs in the Pit, but considering how this thread will probably be locked/moved/deleted/whatever soon anyway:

That’s extremely childish of you. If you are denied vacation time, work within the system, take advantage of office politics if possible. Or just let it go. Or quit.

Destruction of office property because you didn’t get vacation time just seems like little kid throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get his way.

I’m sorry to say, but anyone who would resort to infecting computers with virii over something like this probably doesn’t deserve the vacation time in the first place.





You’re in a tech support position (it would be yourself rebuilding these machines) and you want to do this?

I’d give you more than a few days off.

No, I didn’t read the Registration Agreement fully. I don’t really know if what I plan to do constitutes as “Illegal”, though. Thanks for setting me on the straight and narrow, brother. You have saved my poor, desolate soul from commiting evil (And having my vacation time that I have worked so hard for).

P.S. You might feel more at home in Germany than Tokyo.

What is even more unbelievable is that your homepage contains a link to your company’s website, I mean what if someone reading this thread were to drop them an email…


My G-d people…RELAX!!! It seems there is a lot of agression in here, the SDMB should be a happy and fun place. But there still was a question on the post that hasn’t been answered yet if you guys can get passed your displaced anger. And for the person who seems to be KGB, that’s not the job I was referring to but hey, sure drop them an email.


Stupid cracker.


Please remove this post. It seems to have a strange affect on people causing them to call other people names and be idiotic, angry and rude. For the benefit of mankind and civilization, I emplore you…please remove this post. Thank you.


Almost a textbook case.

Let’s not be rash here, there’s no guarantee that CelraySoda is the real owner of that web site.

This is an interesting question: Is spreading a computer virus illegal?

No matter what the answer is, it’s morally wrong. When I was a teenager, I was on the way of programming a virus (a rather dumb one, I admit, but still…) and a friend of mine said something to the extend “everyone who spreads viruses is a pig.”. Shortly after, I chose to agree with him.

Good friggin’ grief. I can’t believe my eyes.

That’s our line.

“Waaaaah! I didn’t get my vacation time! I’m going to infect your computers with virii now because I’m pissed off!”

Geez. Relax.

It’s highly doubtful that anyone is going to answer your initial questions, because, quite frankly, what you are wanting to do is a very stupid thing, and no one wants to help you do it.

Purposefully infect people with virii so you get to waste time reformating their harddrives? You really don’t deserve your job, you know that? I’m sure that there are plenty of tech-savy people out there who don’t want to sabotage their employers who would love to have your job.

Ok. We are going around in circles and this can go on for days. I’m tired and I have more important things to do. Somebody already emailed me with the info I requested. Thank you everybody for posting and there is no need to go on any further. And no, I don’t own that website nor am I referring to that place of employment. Goodnight.

Let me be quite clear that my comment above should be taken entirely at face value; surprise that someone contemplating this course of action would (apparently) leave themselves wide open; I have no intention of emailing anyone.

That raises an interesting question. If someone threatens to commit a crime on a message board, does the board have any right and/or obligation to take action based on the posted information? Buried somewhere in the SDMB server is enough information to find out the identity of any user, so it’s a legal matter not technical.

I think if I threatened murder, it would be a different story. Not requesting a virus so I can infect 3 ancient computers with windows 95 and no internet service.

Ok, forget I asked. I changed my mind. There.