Grace Jones: alien, disease victim, and more!

So today, the Drudge Report is running this photo of Grace Jones. The caption below it reads “GRACE JONES IN RAIL ATTACK.” But what rocks my socks off are the captions he has placed above it, leading to a “which caption goes with this picture” confusion that was awesome.

First, there was Star Wars Geeks Line Up – In Front of Wrong Theater!, which caused me to wonder if she was a pop star, or a Twi’ilek. Now, they’re showing the headline US Focusing on Disease Spread by Air Travel, and lo, Miss Jones sure looks like she’s got whatever it is, and there’s no cure.

Am I an evil person?

Yes, yes you are. :wink: :smiley:

BTW–in that James Bond film she was in? I thought she was the sexiest thing alive.


I dunno.

Why is she wearing a giant slinkie on her head?

Or is that a dryer exhaust hose? :rolleyes: