I have been making a display for my Father’s Service Flag, and his medals. Some time ago, I mentioned his service career in the thread A Soldier’s Life I got in touch with the Department of Army, and they said sure, they would send to central records, verify his list of commendations, and send me a full set. That was a couple of months ago. I remember one medal, from my childhood that dad had in a box, and as a soldier, I knew he qualified for at least the National Defense Service Medal, and in all likelihood, the Good Conduct Medal.
So, I was planning on four medals in a display box, to be hung below the box for the Flag. The package came today, from the Department of the Army. There are ten medals in it! Ten! I know for a sure fact Dad did not wear the ribbons for ten medals on his class A uniform when I saw him in it. (Of course he wore enlisted men’s pants, and hat, so go figure uniform regulations, and Dad.) The complete list is:
**Army Commendation Medal
Good Conduct Medal
American Defense Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal, with Bronze Star Attachment (1). (for a second award of the NDSM)
American Campaign Medal
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
World War II Victory Medal
Army of Occupation Medal and Japan Clasp
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
United Nations Service Medal, with Korea Clasp
He also has one Sharpshooter badge (carbine) and one Expert badge (Submachine Gun!).
Grandpa, was a Tommy gunner! Damn good one, evidently!**
Oddly enough, he was not awarded the Vietnam Service Medal, since he was in Viet Nam at a time we were not officially in Viet Nam. (Technically, he was an advisor, and not “under arms” while he was there.) He was unofficially shot at, and fortunately, unofficially missed. I seem to remember him mentioning unofficially shooting back, but perhaps that is left to conjecture.