Grants for travel to the Middle East

I’ve been thinking a lot lately, and I think it might be a very rewarding experience to travel to Israel at some point (maybe this summer). I feel in a lot of ways that current US exposure to the problems and events happening there are just not satisfactory, and I’d like to see first hand what’s going on, and talk with people who live there.

That being said, I’m poor. Cost of tickets alone would be prohibitive, I imagine.

So, are there any ways for someone to get some sort of grant money to travel to Israel? I have some writing/photography/music skills; might there be a way to utilize those in an effort to get a grant to travel?

And, in a more general sense, does anyone know how one might go about finding if there is money sitting around waiting for me to pick it up and use to get myself to Israel?


Not a single response. I’ll assume it’s because no one responds on a Wednesday. :slight_smile:

One final bump to catch the evening folks, then I’ll let this one die. :frowning:

It depends what angle you are approaching it from. I’ll assume that your approaching it from a humanitarian perspective.

Here are a few to start with, obtained simply by googling the words - Palestine travel grants.

I do know someone in Palestine currently doing mostly humanitarian work (who also writes articles for the indymedia), I’ll attempt to e-mail him.

A couple more possibilities:

If you are Jewish and under 26, you might want to check out Birthright Israel.

If you’re a student, there’s also a good chance that your university’s programs abroad office offers grants for independent study, or can at least point you in the right direction.

shalom i am jewish i am looking too but my age i am 50 years old and hear nobody wants old people and no older people of any age except kids and college only… i have questions for those of this board how i can find grant to go to israel and maybe take some volunteering there somehow i would like some ideas that might help me get there.

Birthright Israel is an example of one of the programs designed for youngsters. But maybe they can tell you about other organizations for your age group.