Okay, here’s something I’ve been thinking about for way too long. I LOVE cereal. I always said that if I ever got married I would serve the guests cereal instead of some lame steak dinner. Anyway, ummmmm, back to my inquiry.
Why is GrapeNuts cereal called GrapeNuts? They aren’t grapes, they aren’t nuts. What’s up with that?
Any input on this question would help me sleep a little better a night. Okay, I’m hungry. Has anyone else experienced the wonder and magic of the new PowerPuff Girls cereal? It’s like Rice Krispies coated with Pop-Rocks…yummmmmmmmmm!
Jerry Sienfeld used that in a sketch once that I must assume you have not seen. Anyway, I didn’t laugh then…
In the 1986 Ballantine edition of the first Straight Dope book, Cecil deals with this question. It’s on pages 148-9.
Back in 1898, when Grape-Nuts was first sold, the cereal contained maltose, known then as “grape sugar.” Grape-Nuts also supposedly had a nutty flavor. By the time the Food & Drug Administration got around to banning such ridiculous dishonesty, Grape-Nuts cereal had already been established.
Whoaaaaaaa…I never saw that episode!!! HOW WIERD!!! You’re serious, yeah? :eek:
Maaan, I searched all over the site for that topic before I decided to ask the question, but never found anything! Thank you SO much for the information! It’s much appreciated.
Tonio K, in his alter ego of Vlad Theimpaler, recent Romanian immigrant, asked Post that question here:
and got answered here:
and sent one last comment here:
(I also think that Tonio K is an extremely underrated musician)
Before someone yells at you, SeQ! for posting a question answered online by Cecil, let me just say that it’s a common rookie mistake and you shouldn’t worry about it.
Actually, I did this once about 6 months ago and kicked myself hard about it. You can search Cecil’s archive by clicking “Search Archive” on the main page. Then search all the available databases and type “Grape Nuts” or whatever.
This is highly recommended before posting any General Question(GQ). Welcome aboard!!!
I thought I did do the “search archive” thing, but who knows, I mostly suck at this computer stuff anyway! Thanks for taking the time to reply to my post, and thanks for welcoming me to these boards! The topics here are quite interesting and I look forward to reading more here. My boyfriend has been a fan of this site for a long time now and he JUST decided to tell me about it. It’s truly an internet gem! I think I’ll go and brush up with some Seinfeld re-runs before I post again though…;j
Keith B-
Maaaaan, that was some funny shit!
Thanks for sharing!!!
The one I especially liked was when he returned the curad bandages (?) because “Sterility Guaranteed”:
"I am reading on side of box recently that you
are guaranteeing STERILITY for Vlad if he is using
this produce! Vlad has almost fainted to read
Vlad has come to the Amerika to start new
life. Vlad wants it the wife and family: This
must include fine strong American childrens!!!
Vlad must not now be sterile."
While it is on the order of “Is your refrigerator running?” I still think it is funny.