Graphics programming question

For a graphics class I need to write a program that demonstrates different scan methods for drawing a line. One has to be a DDA and another is an antialiasing method.

What is the best language/compiler to use? I’m only really familiar with C/C++. Is there a standard library function to draw a single pixel? In Visual Studio 6, can you force the display into a standard 640X480 display to draw the lines on?

I’m not really sure how to start. Any advice is appreciated.

You’re familiar with OpenGL, right? I think that’s pretty much the standard. But I can’t help you much beyond that, sorry.

Under Windows you’re probably best off just opening a window and drawing straight onto the device context using the GDI API.

Have a look at the SetPixel documentation. This’ll allow you to plot single points onto a DC. This can be directly onto the screen, window or a back-buffer that you eventually BitBlt onto a visible plane.

Branch out around the documentation from the link above and have a look at the other GDI functions that may be useful.

Hope this helps.

This article (though intented for game developers) seems to cover what you need. If you are unfamiliar with windows development in general the previous arcticles in the series should get you started.

Good luck

Doh. :smack:
