Gravity is a push?

So this guy says that gravity is a push not a pull. His arguments and tests seem reasonable, what do you guys think.

I think that when someone states within the first few paragraphs that “you can learn all about this theory if you buy my book!” they’re full of shit.

The guy sounds like a crank who really believes in his theory.

If there was really anything to it you’d think that in the last 32 years someone a little more recognized in the world of physics than the Fairfield Moose Lodge would have jumped all over this.

Nice, did you even bother to look at what is there? He does not say anything about “buying his book to learn more”, it says there is also a book for 12 dollars if you are interested! The page is quite detailed and the links at the bottom continue with more relevant information.

Internet Crackpot Index

Just skimming through the list this scores at least over 400.

He talks about the Sun pushing the Earth. If that’s happening, why does the Earth stay the same distance from the Sun? Shouldn’t it be spiraling away from the Sun?

I just found the theory interesting and no one has taken his challenge to prove him wrong. In fact this quote seems to say something…

From here

If the Sun is pushing us down to Earth, why do we stay grounded at night?

This index was developed by the Soulless Minions of Orthodoxy.[sup]TM[/sup].

I have a theory that point particles are actually 12 dimensional billiard balls and yet no one has taken my challenge up to prove me wrong. :rolleyes:

Buddy has a theory so he can prove to us that it’s better than the current model. Hopefully without mentioning aether and zero point energy.

Would any real scientist say something like this? I thought theories were to be tested, replicated, amended, refuted, etc., not “believed in” like Santa Claus or Jesus.
ETA: Wait, the Fairfield Moose Lodge? Never mind, I can’t argue with an authoritative body like that.

The usual method to proposing a new and revolutionary scientific theory is to state a hypothesis based upon some model or observation, develop a set of falsifiable (testable) predictions, write a paper that explains the tenets of the hypothesis and the predictions, and submit to a peer reviewed journal in the appropriate field. Posting supposed theories on a private computer bulletin board service which contain a bunch of spurious claims reinforced by mid-level marketing style formatting and claiming authority via “what he calls his ‘following’ of teenage science students, sci-fi fans and even some physical scientists he calls ‘unbrainwashed’ by Newtonian physics.” Despite the claims that the scientific establishment reflexively rejects hypotheses that are contrary to established theory, a number of major revolutionary theories have been accepted this way, including plate tectonics, endosymbiotic theory, and of course, Einstein’s own theories of energy quantization for the photoelectric effect, special relativity, and later general relativity.

I also think that Kip Thorne and Charles Misner (and the ghost of John Archibald Wheeler) would be very surprised to read that “there ARE NO MODELS TO DEMONSTRATE PULL GRAVITY,” given that the three men authored the 1200+ page Gravitation, universally regarded by the physics community to be the canonical graduate-level reference on gravitation as described by general relativity. The fact that “Walter has dozens of WORKING MODELS TO DEMONSTRATE THE VALIDITY OF PUSH GRAVITY,” seems to indicate that his models–whatever they are–are incomplete and fragmentary, and thus, hardly positioned to challenge an established physical theory that has been already verified to a high order of precision.

I would also be more impressed with a source that didn’t advertize “The Best Aether Theories in one place” and the “Mexistim Polarity Cycler…assists the body to purge toxins from the cells.” Although these are not associated with Walter Wright’s theory, seeing them on the same site doesn’t lend credibility to the critical thinking skills of the website author.

[post=13172299]Here[/post] is a previous thread on “pushing” gravity and the problems thereof.


This is not unlike the ‘darksucker’ model of light (i.e interesting, but bollocks)

I get more than that alone just from the #7 criterion (5 points for each word in all capital letters). Once you start getting into the 20 point per issue range, I’m pretty certain we can get at least an order of magnitude greater point yield. He’s not Dr. Gene Ray, but he’s certainly a veritable pretender to the throne of the Crackpot Kingdom.


$40 says you ARE “this guy”.

That sounds like Freemasons. They control the laws of physics, don’t they?

If so, where are the ALL CAPITALS words? Your PULL theory of MESSAGE BOARD postings can’t EXPLAIN that.

I haven’t looked at the link, and won’t, but there is one interpretation of the phrase that makes perfect sense to me.

Gravity warps space, and it seems perfectly plausible that two bodies in a warped space would be pushed toward each other, like two marbles rolling down the walls of a hemispherical bowl would be pushed together at the bottom by the curvature of the walls.

I’m surprised the website doesn’t end with “think about it” (with the implied “please, because I haven’t” tacked on the end).

That explains why I have to hang onto a lamppost at night.