Great Debates (Or Beat Your Head against the wall)

Ok, I was just wondering why do some people sit there and argue back and forth over a message board? Do they get any satisfaction out of it?

I can’t stand it. No one has ever said “Oh gee I geuss you were right”. I have seen topics which rage into 514 post and still both sides keep going at it. Am I missing some sort of “arguing” gene? Or do I simply have a low BST (BST=Bull Shit Tolerance)?

I’ve come to the conclusion that there must be some sort of evolutionary advantage to having, within each village, a group of lunatics and fanatics, who, no matter what the evidence or even the significance of an issue, are able to expend superhuman amounts of time and energy belaboring nitpicking points. I think of Great Debates as a sort of cautionary tale, and a gathering place for the damned, who have lost all sense of perspective.

For people who are fairly new here, just be glad that the Great Debates forum was created a short time after the board started, specifically to isolate them from General Questions, where they originally congregated.

Sometimes we do get people who have never heard or thought of the other side of an issue. Even though they may not indicate that they have changed their mind, they do indicate that they appreciate hearing the other side.

I speak only for myself, but I take it as a learning opportunity. I also take it as an opportunity to provide my own personal insight and experience, and in some cases knowledge (like about martial arts, self defense, guns, police, etc). I honestly try to keep my mind open, and I personally have increased my knowledge and wisdom.

If other people want to keep their minds closed, that’s okay by me. I don’t lose any sleep over it, and none of my hair will turn grey over it.

If other people want to take it as a means of developing ulcers … well, that is their business too.

There are a lot more reasonable people participating in Great Debates than I think you realize. You just have to pick and choose the threads you’ll participate in and ignore the flotsum.

I hate to do this. Really I do. But it’s pretty clear to me that I have to move this thread to… Oh, I can’t even say it. I’m just going to move it.