GREAT SCOTT! I rode in a frickin' Delorean

Talk about odd coincidence…on my way home today I saw a Delorean with the license plate “McFly”.

Not a problem - you can get a replacement here. Just enter the part name and hit the Find button for current price and ordering info.

I touched a Delorean once. I saw one in a junkyard about ten years ago. The body looked really good, but it was totaled. Apparently, the driver had gone off the road and straddled a guard rail. The guard rail and posts had completely ripped the undercariage out of the car. It was sad to see the car sitting there rotting away. I felt bad for it until I grabbed the door handle to open the door. Several things escaped my attention at that moment. First, the body of the car was sitting on the ground, so it was a good foot lower than it normally would be. Second, the aisle between the rows of junked cars was pretty narrow and I was standing right between the passenger door of the delorean and another junked car behind me. Lastly, those doors are spring loaded and open with alot of force at first.

So, ignoring those factors, I released the door catch. The door sprung open, whacked me against both shins and pinned my legs between the door and the car behind me. I slammed the door shut, kicked the fucker and walked away. I’m still pissed at Deloreans.

He should have pulled up in a panic shouting “cmyk! cmyk! Get in quickly, we must hurry. Your grandchildren are in a big mess and need our help!”

One of these is in the auto museum here in Reno. It is pretty ugly in person.

Here’s some…

Pretty consistently low mileage for 1981. Are they that unreliable? Are they not comfy for driving? I wish I had a money for one.

Being stainless steel and all I’d have to assume they’re damn heavy and get poor gas mileage.

Nah, GVW 2,712 or so with a moderately-sized 6-banger. Couldn’t be much worse than my '95 Crashfinder.

Horribly unreliable. The electrical system was inadequate for the demands placed on it. My brother has friend who owns one. His mechanic makes housecalls. No shit.

*I’ll re-start this life somehow, I could live it better now
Give us grace under pressure, lord
And help us watch our tongues
And make our mistakes young
In a Delorean… *

I had to get in an acknowledgement of the genius of Scott Miller of Game Theory/Loud Family (lack of) fame…

I read it as low MPG as well. I’m pretty sure that Inigo meant not very many miles on them.

12,000 - 30,000 miles is low for a 25 yr old car. But, if they don’t run worth a crap, you’ll have a hard time racking up the miles.

Man, were we really that bad, would the dream of working on a futuristic car like this (even before the BTTF link) not have brought us together? I’m imagining the factory was populated by the work shy brought in on some sort of dole scheme, but colour me pleasantly surprised if not.

I mostly agree, mostly. I’m in two minds about it, black is nice, gold is a bit too bling.

“What? Are they assholes or something?”

There was only about 15,000 miles on his D when he bought it. So far he had to replace some fuel lines, hoses, and he still has to fix the wiring that turns the lights on the gull wing when the they open. That and the passenger door can’t open from the outside. But all in all, it seemed to run fine. Qadgop was saying how his heated up pretty bad, he wasn’t kidding. You could barely touch the louvres after taking it for a pretty mild spin.