Greatest ratio of posts to views

I was wondering, what are the numbers for that? I have an egotistical reason. My second thread titled “Ummmmmm…lesbians” has a ratio of 52 posts to 1202 views.(sorry, I don’t yet know how to make a link. Could maybe one of you noble vetrans help me out? I would grovel at your feet!) I just wanted to know what the record is.


By the way, I should thank Lizzard for giving me the idea for this question. Thanks Lizzard!

I don’t know which is the winner, but it’s probably one of the threads that’s been featured in “Threadspotting” from the main page. Whenever a thread gets Spotted, you can expect to see it gain a few thousand views or so.

Although I don’t think it ended up as the record, but at one point, (Refusing Medical Treatment : Religious Freedom or Negligent Homicide?), over in Great Debates, was probably up there. It had caught my attention, and it just so happens that I added a post that marked where it was at the time. If you look on page 4 of this thread, and look for my name, I commented that that thread had 190 replies to 211 views. Now, it has 240 replies to 720 views (and this ratio will dwindle as people view it from the link in this post). Still pretty impressive, but I’m sure there are better ones out there somewhere.

Chronos, that would actually pull a thread out of the running, as the ratio drops like a rock.

I think we’ll let the folks in About This Message Board chew on this for a while.

The views started being counted on April 30th or so. Any thread that was around before then started out with 0 views. So some threads may actually have more replies than views. That’s what happened with the Religious Freedom thread. It seems that that thread had either 99 or 100 replies before it started accumulating any views.

I guess I’m not sure which is a “better” ratio.

Is it good for a thread to get a lot of views and few answers? Some of these must be just “announcement” threads of some sort, or perhaps threads with “teaser” headlines but very specific interest, like applauding a band no one’s heard of.

The opposite would be the best threads, where everyone who looks at it just has to join in.

But some of these are banal, like “what’s your favorite car”. Everyone has an opinion, but discounts everyone else’s anyway.

As for just looking at number of answers, alone, some have particular appeal but no lasting value “What about that close game last night?” or the soon-to-come “How did you vote?”

I don’t know how to make a link to your thread, since I don’t know what its URL is. But if you reply-with-quotes to Steve-O’s post, you can see the general method.

the link seems to appear in the “address” window on the browser. This one’s is

Hey, when I just posted, the link changed to this

So I guess the post and thread numbers aren’t related.

It all seems too hard for the average poster.
What would be nice is if the “Quote” button put the code for that post into the window.

They already have the poster’s name and then the link would be right with it.

Then you could cut and paste it to wherever you wanted in one step, without having to assemble the pieces.

It does. Try it with steve-o’s post.

To make a link to this thread, I could either do this:

which would look like this:


Or I could just do this:


Or this:


which would look like this:

Now, just don’t ask me to explain how I got some of those to work and others not to, that’s magic. Of course, if you use the quote button, you can see for yourself, which was my original point.

I think “Very Vaguely Creepy” may rank way up there, because it’s got somewhere just over 300 posts, but about 15000 views.


It’s always the non-nerds who invent the best ease-of-use features.

You would push Quote and get this:

This is a GREAT idea, that vB code would automatically create the spcific-post link.

You should suggest it to them at their forum.
Be aware, though, that even though it’s an easy thing to code and they may do it, it could be a year before it came back installed at SDMB.

Good luck with it.
vBulletin Community Forum

Hey relic, no problem. (If in fact you are referring to me.)

I started a thread that had a view-to-post ration of at least 33:1. That’s the biggest I’ve noticed. I can’t remember exactly what that thread was about, but I think it had something to do with hookers.

There’s one on this list called **manhatten, bitte by jb_farley **
that has
1 answer and 212 views.

It’s just a request to remove a duplicate thread, though, so I guess the whole “ratio” concept is useless as an indicator of interesting threads.

The “secret” is to have an intriguing title to a thread that calls for no answer.

What is the fascination with self-statistics at this board?
It’s an odd form of oneupsmanship.

Pay no attention to Jasper, he only has 1 post so far. Obviously his opinion doesn’t matter.


HEY!!! waterj2 I resent that! I am a fairly new member myself. Jasper, don’t listen to him, honey, you count just as much as anybody!