Greek Restaurants

why are no Greek restaurants open on sunday? i was thinking it might be a Greek Orthodox thing, but are there no heathen Greek people who disregard Greek Orthodox beliefs? this is just soooo wrong since the only two places around here that serve decent cheesecake (excpet for that terribly expensive steakhouse) are Greek. how cruel.

That’s interesting because, being raised in Melbourne, Australia, in which most of the shops and restaurants were Greek, I always remembered them being closed on Mondays…

gypsy. There’s more to life than a Greek restaurant in a crummy SC town. Or even two.

I never ate in a Greek restaurant until I was 35 years old. You can probably live that long.

But, since then, I’ve had meals in 15 different Greek restaurants, ranging from Chicago(Greek Islands), Alexandria, VA. (Taverna Kretakou sp?), Detroit(Hellas Cafe), Luxembourg(it was underground in a rock cave), and a few more that I can tell you about. I’ve eaten in those restaurants a total of 100 times or more. I was fortunate to have a business which allowed me to travel at the time.

Hang in there. Do well in school. Escape SC. (or not).

And, after posting about me, I forgot to say:

Greek restaurants are open on Sunday. All over the US. You just happen to live in a small town. It could be in any state.

It’s not Greek. It’s small town life.

Why, I could tell you about how, when I lived in Durham NC, in 1967, you couldn’t go to the K-mart until 1:00 on Sunday. Blue Laws, doncha know.

Buck up. :slight_smile:

Strange. Head over to Buffalo, where you’ll find a plethora of Greek restaurants (mostly of the “family restaurant” variety; i.e. places with names like “The Parthenon” and “The Olympic” that serve souvlaki along with typical diner fare). Most are open not just on Sundays, but also 24 hours a day.

Meant to post this as well …

Many Italian restaurants in Buffalo are closed all day on Monday, for some reason. There are also no 24-hour Italian restaurants.

You forgot Plate-Oh’s :eek: , open 24 hours at the corner of Forest and (of course) Elmwood.

gypsymoth3, where in SC are you? I lived in Columbia for a year, and it’s true - both Zorba’s and Devine Foods are closed on Sunday. I feel your pain. The solution? Move to Boston - Greek restaurants open 7 days!

No, you’re all missing the point! He doesn’t want Greek food, he just wants decent cheesecake. There may be more to life than a Greek restaurant, but there is very little more to life than good cheesecake.

I used to live for many years in Astoria, New York. Astoria is famous for being the 2nd largest Greek-populated city in the world, just behind Athens and ahead of every other city in Greece.

The restaurants were all opened on Sundays. 7 days a week, I could walk to the N train and watch whole-body skinned goats, head and eyes intact, slowly turning on spits over charcoaled flaming pits. Ahh, I miss that place. :slight_smile:



Wtf what? Okay, so sometimes they were lambs instead of goats.

So sue me. :stuck_out_tongue: Nametag, you are wise beyond your years.

You might as well be skewered for a lamb as for a goat. :smiley:

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA you want maybe a side of stuffed grape leaves with that?

Said the man in Akron, Ohio. Now THAT’S comedy gold! :slight_smile:

Hmmmm. In my town, neither a large city nor small town. Many of the Greek resaturants are open 24 hrs/ day. Even for those that aren’t, they are all open 7 days a week.

Many family-operated restaurants, regardless of the ethnicity of food served, are closed on Monday.

Gives the family-operators a day off (and Sunday is too lucrative to take off).