greenish brown semen

explain this somebody about 6 years ago at the age of 12 I ejaculated for the first time and my semen came out sort of a greenish color…bottomline it did not look like Semen as I know it today.

Maybe it had some urine mixed in with it. Though urine shouldn’t be green either.

If a faucet isn’t used in a while rust can form in the plumbing.


It was probably some mucus, your body’s universal lubricant.

Don’t swallow.

Cyn, RN

Actually, I can remember my first batch of ejaculate being “yellower” than subsequent samples.

Take that FWIW.

Well, the color described by the OP is typical of bacterial infections. So the likely explanation follows along the following line of logic:

  • There are bacteria that like to inhabit warm, moist parts of our innards.

  • There are particular tubes and pipes that are only used for ejaculation.

  • These tubes generally go unused for the first 12 years of life, give or take a few.

  • Being left unused for so long, there were probably quite a few bacterial “squatters” who got evicted when the pipes got flushed the first time.

So… now you know what “getting your pipes cleaned” really means!

You’d been putting Miracle Grow on it, hadn’t you?

Maybe your balls were moldy…

Soilant Green is itty bitty people!

Jeez the first time I ejaculated, I was too scared to look down afterwards. I could’ve shot out Tang for all I know. (Man I loved that stuff.)

The first few times I “fired the cannon” I felt some pain in the bladder area. I don’t recall any odd colors though.

My first time, I didn’t notice any strange colors. However, there was a LOT of it. Made quite a mess.

You’ve single handedly managed to gross out half the posters on this board. But I supposed this kind of stuff cums with the subscription.

Thanks for making me laugh.

Tang or ejaculate?

Man, she must have been pissed.

Well, if it was more brown then green, it could’ve been blood (old blood) mixed with an infection giving you a greenish/brownish color. Maybe you had an infection plus a kick in the balls weeks before?

Was it pan-fried? I read somewhere that pan-frying changes the color.

I remember that when I first found my special purpose, there was a vividly dark brown stain on my jockey shorts afterward, like divine retribution. Panic ensued, of course, but I guess I figured I was gonna die anyway, so I kept at it and it soon stopped. At least, I imagine it soon stopped, because I don’t remember a lengthy trauma. I suppose it was all cleared out.

It’s not the kind of thing you remember without unease, so I’m glad others had the same experience (and haven’t had their balls spontaneously drop off at age 30 or something).