Grover Norquist's Dad

In today’s Boston Globe there’s a profile of famed anti-tax ideologue Grover Norquist. His famous line, of course, is that he wants to starve the federal government until it’s “small rnough to drown in a bathrub”. If you want to know how he got that way, look at his dad’s actions:

Grover’s dad was interesting in other ways:

I don’t think it’s right that the rest of us have to suffer because Grover’s dad wanted more ice cream.

So Grover’s dad was Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation? That makes perfect sense.

To bad they didn’t both choke on Fudgie the Whale.


Just being named “Grover” would scar a child for life :smiley:

It sounds like 'ol Grover was toilet-trained at gunpoint. That would explain a lot, actually.

Now I’m beginning to feel sorry for him. We should be blaming his father for the enormous debt, not him. It doesn’t surprise me that his father was an executive at Polaroid, a perfect example of failure to plan for the future and accept reality.

Grover Norquist was interviewed by Samantha Beeon the Daily Show, where he said he wrote the anti-tax pledge when he was 12 years old.