Oooh, Evie, looks, class, style, and an atheist, too? sigh
My folks are pretty laid back - sincere, but not overbearing. Mom is fairly typical if moderate in her beliefs, from what I can tell. Dad is a curiosity. He doesn’t like to discuss his opinions. Growing up, we went to a Southern Baptist church, but it was more moderate than it sounds. This was before the big conservative swing. That has taken place in the last 20 yrs, and it chewed my church up a bit, the moderates and conservatives banging heads. My folks were in a special adult class that didn’t use the pre-prepared lesson plans from the SB convention, but rather chose their own reading materials and conducted discussion group on the work. It was very open-minded and self-study oriented. Actually, I attended that class several times in college.
I eventually had a discussion with my dad and he mentioned some of his beliefs. Turns out he’s an agnostic deist. Calls himself a christian, but I’m not sure how literal he is with the Jesus thing. That’s weird, given that he was a deacon in the church.
My folks encouraged thinking for ourselves. Sure there were growing pains, but they did let us question things. They encouraged religious participation, and we had some religious family customs, but as my siblings and I grew and began to doubt more, those customs faded and were replaced. Instead of us kids leading the prayer at holiday dinners, suddenly dad started doing it. Rather than cause a scene, one year he just took over. Our thanksgiving scheme similarly changed to thinking about the things we are grateful for and thanking each other. My dad actually encouraged a questioning view. I remember at age 9 wanting to be baptized, and his talking to me to make sure it was something meaningful and not just a copycat thing. I remember after a particularly energizing revival he suggested we think carefully and skeptically about the affair.
My doubts escalated in high school, and I started studying the bible. That’s what did it for me - the stuff in there proved that God was worthless. Then some informal philosophy and discussions with others. That, compared with my own personal history of praying to god and growing up, and none of it made sense any more. I became atheist.
My folks suspected I might be going that way for a while. My siblings were fairly similar. However, my brother got into new age stuff and now is a reverend. My sister is a laid-back non-religious person. She is skeptical of organized religion and god, but isn’t completely convinced there isn’t something out there.
I’m the hard-core. It kinda sucks - last time the whole family was together the topic came up, and I found myself alone and outnumbered by my brother and parents, my sister not sticking her head up. But I stuck my guns.
Have I bored you yet?