Grumpy old person rants

The sidewalk is not here for you to fling trash on. The sidewalk was not installed so you could smash beer or any glass bottles because you’re bored or high or retarded or some other stupid shitty reason.

Please feel free to place your trash in my trashcan or recycling bin, because i’d rather you did that than have to pick up any shit that you furless monkeys fling in my yard.

Proselytizers will be now be used for target practice.

If I can hear your stereo through my closed windows and over my personal music player either mp or hi-fi; your music sucks and i hope it rots whats left of your internal organs

Stop SPITTING on the sidewalk! ICK!!! ICK ICK ICK!

And frankly, some of you need to visit your doctor…what IS that ooge in the middle of your spittle? blech!

This past week I’ve taken 8 cabs.

7 of the drivers were fine gents: some more veteran, some less, but good drivers, respectful of other drivers and of the driver’s code, fine people in short.

The one yesterday night? Other nicks of the driver’s code aside, if you’re looking for an exit which will be on the right, why are you biting other cars’ asses on the left? Actually, why are you attempting to hump other cars on any lane, period? Are you a dog?

Oh, and to the reggaetón aficionado which passes by my house every day at 9pm: seriously dude, you CAN lower the volume!

People who stay on the left side of the subway escalators, people who walk in wide groups on a slow pace on the sidewalk, people who don’t use turn signals, religious bigots, people wearing abercrombie and holister shirts. All of these are annoying and pretty common in Nrazil. The abercrombie/hollister ones are mostly douchebags.

People who open a two-year-old thread with comments that are redundant and/or meaningless.

Wait until they put you on diuretics.

Have you two met?

I can mostly ignore the Free Range Rude by staying well inside my cave, but then I have to put up with the Other Occupant.

Most of my rants have to do with eating noises:

• can you NOT scrape your teeth together when eating? its like nails on the chalkboard.
• moaning and making orgasmic noises when eating is gross.
• clanging the damn cereal/soup/ice cream bowl and scraping it endlessly is also annoying and will get you shot one day.


The university e-mailed us Monday and explained that they checked buildings on Christmas Eve afternoon (most employees left at noon at the latest) and discovered that there were 16 open windows. When we were all going to be gone for 9 days. Now there are 16 more people I have to wonder what the hell is wrong with them.

We have one of these at work, an elevator with doors on both sides. One side opens to the public areas and the other to the private staff areas. When I ride the elevator alone, I push the button for the floor/area I want, then in transit I spin around and around until I’m disoriented, then when it stops I try to guess which door will open. What fun!

It supports my theorem that as a certain level of knowledge is gained, some previous
knowledge is ‘pushed out’.


Now do it when you’re not alone - I dare ya!

Wait 'til you have to get up in the middle of the night to pee - and you have to pee again - while you’re still peeing the first time. Sometimes I think, “Hell, I have to get up in an hour, I might as well just stay here and pee again instead of going back to bed.”

Bawhahahaha ↑↑↑

So true…

Oh! Good one, but you forgot the Bible verse. (I know you people in normal places think I’m kidding, but I’m not!)

As a grumpy old person, I am getting real tired of Laughing Woman. Anytime I am in a restaurant or similar large group of strangers, within the first five minutes some merry bitch will let out an earsplitting squawk of laughter. After that, loud cackles at short intervals until I am ready to kill her. Laughing Woman always looks different, but she is everywhere.