Gucks still believe Saddam involved in 9/11

The republican and conservative posters on this board, and sadly, some moderates and liberals, keep insisting against all evidence that Republican voters are not largely composed of brain-dead mouth breathers who will believe any bit of disgusting swill to be delicious truth so long as the feedbag it comes from is labelled G.O.P.

But yesterday, NPR reported that a survey conducted by the Harris organization came up with these juicy lil tidbits:

Here’s the link, read it
and weep for America!

Get that? 64 percent still think Saddam had strong links to Al Qaeda! Nobody and I mean nobody but the hard core Bushistas and other loony toons are pushing that one, given all the evidence against it, but the gucks are still buying it! Four months after the election!

I’m sorry, the Americans who voted for Bush on such grounds are fucking STUPID and fucking IGNORANT – and that they STILL buy it is an almost inexpressibly poignant admission of stupidity. It’s about time we admitted that that’s the case. Only when the Dems are willing to deal with the reality in the field – and take full advantage of it – will we be able to compete successfully against the Pubbies for all those guck votes out there.

Watch the Simpsons people – Homer Simpson is a much more accurate portrait of the average Republican or MOR voter than you know.

I don’t want to hear a word from anyone next time I use the word “gucks.” The evidence is clear, for those with the will to look at it with unclouded eyes.

What the balls is a “guck?”

I think they are Fucks who are slightly more to the right…on your keyboard.

Your link does not mention the word “republican” even once. According to that 88% 76% 64% 64% and 61% of U.S. adults believe in that crap. Correct me if im wrong but no where near that number of U.S. adults voted for Bush.

This registered Democrat who didn’t vote for Bush either time tends to agree with both of those (depending on how you define “better off”). Enlighten me.

Sorry, I should have defined the term. A “guck” to my mind is someone who gets all their political opinions and information from the kind of soundbites you pick up on TV news and hate radio, and from their friends who do the same. They are not really all that political, in the sense that their opinions are easily changed and shallow. There are a lot of them.

The gucks are on the inside, with their hands firmly on the wheel. You, as a non-guck, are on the outside lookin’ in.

Is it lonesome out there, standin’ in the cold with your nose pressed against the glass? :stuck_out_tongue:

You look rather pitiful…

Well, how many civilians do we think would have died under Sadam Hussein in the same time period? How many soldiers? This may be an easily answered question, but just how many people a year were killed under the old regime?

I am going to assume (thought I would love to be wrong) that it is a smaller number than the number of civilians killed since the occupation. That being the case, assuming that my first assumption is right, if we have more dead innocents than I would say that they are probably not better off. This naturally assumes that in the majority of cases, being alive is better than being dead.

You lying fuck. That’s a sight different than “involved in 9/11”.

It’s tied with “cow-orker” on the list of Internet Terms I Want Criminalized.

Well, how about this link (warning! PDF!). It’s about a different survey, done about half a year ago, but the results show a strong difference in the ignorance levels of Republicans and Democrats.


So basically, Republicans don’t have a monopoly on ignorance, but they hold a strong majority position.

From the article:

What most unsettles me is that the number of little empty vessels, enfranchised empty vessels might I add, that buy into this pernicious urban myth has actually risen in the last 5 months. Seems to me there’s been some serious bullshittin’ going on.

John , you & I get along pretty well, & I’m pretty conservative.

But shut the fuck up, you stupid whorehound.

We’re fighting a war.

The wrong war.

I said myself, before the invasion, that I’d be a lot happier if W had invaded North Korea, instead.

And it sure seems that I was right.

Yes, you have your hands on the wheel.

But you’re crushing Nuns & schoolgirls under your wheels, & you’re driving drunk, up on the sidewalks, & firing wildly upon all that is good & just in America!!

So, shut the fuck up, you stupid whorehound. You’re doing long-term harm to the nation that I love with all the passion of a teenager for his first girlfriend.

How many more statistical-skewing OPs for the sake of “partizanship” must this board endure?

:smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:

Well, yes. That is one way of looking at “better off.” However, the aftereffects of a war are more than the immediate numbers of people killed in that war. If that’s all we measured by, every country that has ever had a war is “worse off” than before the war. On the whole, I tend to think that the Iraqi people will be better off in the long run because of the invasion. I’ll admit that I haven’t done an in-depth study. I read political news when the feeling strikes me and participate in political discussions, but the only news-related TV I watch is The Daily Show and about 5 minutes of whatever news show is on in the morning (which lately has been about Michael Jackson :rolleyes: ) when I’m toasting a bagel, and I don’t listen to hate radio.

That said, I think the invasion was a terrible idea and do not support our continuing presence in Iraq.

Evil Captor, this question has nothing to do with your OP:

Where are you from (state)?

Your website has me curious about something.

Your OP is full of shit, by the way. I for one am wondering where I can find myself some “hate radio.”

You lost on that, Sir. Since I’m not foaming at the mouth, would you elaborate?

Actually I’d probably side with the majority from the OP on several of those issue:

Agree. I have no doubts that Saddam would have made WMD’s if he could have. What we’ve now found out is that he did not have this ability.

Agree. But that’s setting the bar pretty low.

If freedom and democracy emerge in Iraq, the US will get (and deserve) the credit. If things fall apart we’ll get the blame. But I’m making no predictions at this point how things will turn out.

