Guess who turned three yesterday?

Yes, indeed…Baby Kate!

She informs me that she’s now a ‘kid’ and no longer a baby.

We had the whole ‘6 kids running around screaming cake and ice cream’ thing going. Plus a treasure hunt in the backyard complete with buried clues and treasure box. Sometimes having 2 acres is a helpful thing.

Here’s the latest pix

I’ll post the party pix when they’re available.

Well, it’s about time you and LadyChance started working on the next one, then. Tell Kid Kate we said “Happy Birthday!”

Katcha turned three Saturday. Your kid’s just abig ol’ copycat!

Merry Natal Day anyway Kid Kate!

(And I wanted to be the first to say “Kid Kate” and I almost was, only [nasal mocking voice]you can only post once every 60 seconds[/nmv] and this (first) responce went through the same time as the MMP. Damn my attention whoring!)

Oops, sorry for the strong language there Kid Kate.
-Uncle Rue. (not the first, but I used it twice)

Congratulations, Kid Kate!


I hear the Twos are Terrible, so you must be pretty happy, eh?

(Although I’m sure Baby Kate was an angel)

Absolutely Terrific!!! Kid Kate - Happy Birthday!!!

:throws confetti in the air:

She wasn’t really much trouble at all. She’s a sweet-hearted kid.

By whatever name, she’s one hell of a cute kid.

Happy belated birthday, Kate!!