In my state (Montana) there are certain places I’m not allowed to bring my gun. I happen to have a license to carry a concealed weapon, but that doesn’t matter. I can’t take my sidearm into places like banks, bars, state or federal buildings or schools. I also can’t take my gun into any business that forbids guns on their premises and has a sign stating that.
An on-duty officer can of course carry their gun wherever they want, but what if they are off-duty? Does an off-duty officer have the right to take their gun anywhere, unlike a lawful citizen like me?
I wouldn’t be so sure that an on duty copy can take go anywhere he wants with his sidearm either, say like a Federal courtroom or certain Federal buildings. Officers of the court and Federal agents yes, but local cops may have to check their sidearms.
The LEOSA does allow private business and certain governmental buildings to prohibit carry. I’m not aware of the rules for LEO in banks and other government buildings.
Montana law doesn’t give off-duty LEOs any special status for carrying beyond not needing a permit. Federal Law from 2004 exempts active and qualified retired LEOs from needing a permit and from some state and local restrictions - they can’t carry in a building posted against carry or a local government office, but are exempted from the other restrictions on specific locations.
I recall some article a decade or so ago about a spectacular car crash by a silicon valley shyster:
One interesting thing was the “Homeland Security officials” who showed up, who were part of some Transit Authority Police:
basically, they got their friend with the semi-private police force to make them officers. So would this sort of thing make a person capable of ignoring almost any state concealed weapon carry laws, thanks to the federal law?