Gun murders

How many murders are committed in America with guns each year?

Crimes committed with firearms, 1973-2002

Does the number of murders in the link include all homicides (including self-defense)?

The ref. page says specifically “murders” and “aggravated assault”. It actually does not say “homicides” although I think culpable homicide could maybe fall in the murder or aggravated assault category? Self-defence (legal) does not fall into any of these categories.

Another question, why don’t the total murders go up in 2001? I would think with the 3,000 murders of the September 11 attacks the number would spike.

Huh? You DID ask for the number of murders comitted with GUNS, right?

Nevermind, you’re probably talking about the bottom line for 2001. :wink:

Those figures can’t possibly be true. Some years (about 5) ago, the US Congress was debating some gun law, and the rallying cry was that “4000 children per year were killed by guns.” Every single congressperson who took to the floor cited that figure, although some chose to say “13 children per day,” instead. So, once again, those figures can’t possibly be true. . . .

That, or some congresspersons were using some strange unsupported statistics for their own purposes.

(No one in Congress ever calls for “CITE!”)

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the following, but it may help in offering insight:

However, we also have this:

So which government report do you wish to believe? The Department of Justice? The Department of Health & Human Services?

Well I think it makes a big difference if you’re looking at “under 14” or “under 20”.

At any rate, I don’t see how the linked statistics contradict a stat of 4000 per year.

I find it funny that legal adults are lumped into the same category as “children”.

Um, Duckster, it’s not so much a question so much which government report you want to believe–But what you consider to be children for the purpose of the respective studies.

The studies define children differently

DoJ: between 6 & 17

HHS: under 20

Contradict, no. Possibly statistically anomalous that over a third of gun deaths are “children,” yes.

“Children” includes teenage gang related shootings, teenaged drug dealers being knocked off, and the like. Not all of these “children” are innocent, or undeserving of some major legal punishment.

Oh okay. The way you said it sounded like there was a direct contradiction. Anyway, I guess Duckster’s cite clears up how the congresspeople misinterpreted “children”.