I remember reading somewhere that in the 70s some “performance artist” strapped himself to the tail of a 747, which took off, and he died.
Did this or something like it ever happen?
I remember reading somewhere that in the 70s some “performance artist” strapped himself to the tail of a 747, which took off, and he died.
Did this or something like it ever happen?
I vaguely remember a “That’s Incredible” episode with a guy who rode on the back of a jet…he survived, though.
I recall the same episode. Can’t find a record of it though.
Well, Google didn’t turn up the answer for me, but I’ll note that there are one hack of a lot of performance venues whose phone numbers are in 747 exchanges.
i remember some jerk doing it…he called himself ‘the human fly’…he passed out while doing it.
Now that rings a bell (off to Google)