She has this annoying skill of waking me up about 10 minutes before the alarm goes off. So I changed my alarm to go off 10 minutes after I actually want to wake up. Sure enough, right at 7 AM, MEOW! MEOW! MEOW! (touched slightly extended claw to my upper lip) MEOW! MEOW!
I get up, put food in her dish and start my breakfast, the alarm goes off at 7:10 and she’s all “na-na na-na naaa-na I got you up early” and I get into the shower thinking n"na-na na-na naaa-na No you really didn’t".
So the score is
Princess Penelope Prissypants 512
Zebra 1
Its not a shutout.
Yeah baby!
Not so fast. If you cat is smart enough to wake you up 10 minutes before your alarm, maybe she set the clock back 10 minutes, so when she woke you at 7, it was actually 6:50. Better go check your alarm clock.
Your cat wakes you up ten minutes before the alarm goes off? Damn I’m jealous. My evil cat has decided that the hour between five and six am is the best hour of the day to yowl and play spastically on top of the sleeping human. It’s freaking fantastic.
Cats and children deprive the world of precious, precious sleep. Obviously, we should put the in a large container and shoot it up into space and let none of them ever sleep.
How could Princess Penelope Prissypants have known that the alarm was going to go off ten minutes later than predicted? Or have you been doing this for a while so she has learned the new 10-minutes-before-alarm time?
My little Cookie Monster, who is amazingly stupid, has at least demonstrated some reasoning powers regarding this: my wife uses her phone as an alarm - and when the phone alarm goes off, the phone vibrates. In Cookie’s wrong-end-of-the-stick logic, she concluded: “when the phone moves around, I get food”, and therefore she sits on the bedside table ten minutes before the alarm is due to go off, batting the phone about, then gazing around disappointedly, wondering where the magical food is.
Oh you think you got over on your cat,but you haven’t. What she is doing is letting you think this is a brilliant plan, then one day, when punctuality is of the most vital importance your cat will NOT wake you up right on time. Instead she will just let you sleep, until the alarm goes off…and you are ten minutes late!!
I have a question. Does you cat wake you up when the alarm is not set? Or does she somehow know?
My own owner is befuddled by the concept of “weekends.” When I am not up and dressed by 7am on Saturday morning she becomes extremely concerned, perhaps thinking I have died during the night, so she sits right by my head and yowls. I then get up and feed her, but this apparently does not answer the need, because even though there is food on her bowl, she will follow me back to bed, and stare at me as I try to fall back asleep. She will then curl up next to me and purr at roughly the volume of a Harley-Davidson…
Am I the only one whose cat never, ever wants her to get out of bed in the morning? Emily has dry food available at all times, and only gets her gushy food at 6 p.m. each day (and it better be on time!), so when it’s time to get up, instead of waking me up and being annoying, she snuggles up even closer to me and purrs and purrs and purrs. It’s truly cruel of her.
Of course, she waits until we’re just about asleep at night to chase the Invisible Being around the bedroom, so I guess she wins anyway.