Had anything memorable to drink lately?

Nummy, indeed! The least you could do is pass your little ailment on to your husband, My Beloved…along with the medicine, of course. :smiley:

Irish mist (3oz.), thin slice of fresh ginger, lemon peel, two ice cubes in a whiskey glass.

Sweet dreams.

Boulevard is doing their Chocolate Ale again this year around Valentine’s Day. Release is very limited. If you get Boulevard in your area, you should call around and see if anyone expects to get it, and ask for a bottle to be put on hold for you.

I got several (750ml) bottles during their release a few years ago. They had a production mix-up, and the first batch was not very good. The second shipping, though, was excellent. It’s an ale, not a stout, and they worked with chocolatier Christopher Elbow to pair the chocolate up for the brew. It’s not syrupy like most chocolate stouts are.

When I went to the Full Sail brewery last year, I think I had the single best drink ever.

They take an Imperial stout and age it for two years in bourbon barrels. What you get has all the body of the stout with all the smoky, oaky flavors of the bourbon. It was an experimental batch they only sold at the brewery, and only 6 oz at a time. They wouldn’t let me take any home… Now I will forever be pining for something I can’t have. Fortunately, they’ll be serving this stuff in heaven, I’m sure of it.

I call it a white Kentucky-an:

Good bourbon

I almost never buy anything just because I see an advertisement, but… I saw a commercial forSilk Pure Almond Vanilla Milk and it kind of piqued my curiosity.
So, I bought a half gallon.

Eh, if you’ve ever eaten a sweet vanilla flavored cereal and then drank the leftover milk from the bowl, that’s pretty much what it tastes like. That or maybe melted vanilla ice cream thinned with water.
I’ll finish what I got but I’m not sure I’d buy it again.

Silly. In heaven there is no beer. That’s why we drink it here. :slight_smile:

How was it?

My single malt of choice is The Balvenie 12 year old Doublewood.

Do pudding shots count? My aunt and uncle brought some to our Christmas get together. Creme de menthe and chocolate (my favorite), peach schnapps, and Baileys and coconut. I don’t think there were all that many left between about oh, six of us?

Weston Brewing Company, Hot Pepper Ale


Picked up their variety 12-pack over the weekend, and everything in it was great, too. I’m thinking I need a mini road trip in a couple weeks for a brewery lunch.