Haitian mystery building.

Who designed the Marché de Fer in Port-au-Prince, Haiti?

Why is it a mystery?

Yeah, why is it a mystery?
I came here looking for a mystery.
Is the purpose of the building a mystery? Or is it a funhouse/haunty house mystery sort of building? Or do people at one end of a room look bigger than those “closer” to the viewer?
I clicked on this link to get a mystery!

And you have one. The mystery of why the OP considers the building a mystery.

Where’s the mystery?

And where’s the OP? Aha, another mystery!

“Fighting Mysteries Since 1973”

After some moments of googling, I found the following :

Here’s a picture of the “marche au fer”

It’s unusual look results from the fact that it had been originally build for a middle-east country by a fench company called “Baudet, Donon et Cie” at the end of the 19th century. It was sent to Haiti in parts and rebuilt on-site. As it french name implies, it is made of iron. It seems to have been considered as an interesting example of this kind of architecture, and possibly the most important in the Caraibes/South America area.
Apparently, it was considered as an important monument in Port-au-Prince, a symbol of the city (I guess like the Eiffel tower in Paris) and was largely destroyed by a probably criminal fire two years ago. It was a market, selling seemingly mostly art and vodoo stuff.

It is currently being rebuild as part of the rebuilding efforts in the devastated capital.
I couldn’t find who designed it, and don’t have a clue about the “mystery”. Maybe the fire? (apparently there has been other fires in the city’s market around the same time, threats and so on…) The vodoo? Something else?
ETA : It’s seems it’ s more commonly called “marche en fer”

If you read the OP as: [The] Haitian mystery [is] building.

Then the question is: Why is the identity of the designer of the Marché de Fer becoming more mysterious?

It seems that the builduing was damaged succesively during the recent years by :

-An hurricane

-Another hurricane

-A fire

-The earthquake (obviously)

-Another fire this year

Maybe that’s the mystery? :confused:

Or maybe the mystery is, why is it still standing after all that???

Okay, according to my state-of-the-art emulation software (SimCity Classic), the next two disasters to hit Port-au-Prince will be, in order, a tornado followed by a Godzilla-style sea monster running amok.

There’d better be a live stream for the latter event!