This is inspired by the I liked Half Life 2: recommend a new game thread, but premised on my being cheap n broke.
I’m looking for a good HL2 single player mod. I know there must be tons out there, and lots of fun ones, but damned if I can find a good one. Maybe I’m too picky.
I don’t want to do excessive jumping. I will hook up my Atari 2600 and play Pitfall if I feel the urge. Some jumping/careful navigating is ok, especially if it’s germane to the plot or makes for an interesting combat challenge.
I don’t want to get stuck in a maze. I don’t mind walking around a bit or solving puzzles, but please don’t make me draw a map just to get to the next stage.
I don’t want to spend time searching seemingly empty rooms just to find the one hole/vent/hidden door that will get me to the next stage. I don’t necessarily want to walk down a single corridor, but I don’t want to get stuck wondering where the hell the exit is.
I’m hoping for something with a bit more than a mindless bloodbath. I have Kickstart Doom on my machine, so if I want to have at it without much to think about, I’ll load up Doom II and vent frustration.
Then again, some mindless bloodbaths are fun.
Nova Prospect is fun, but what about some of the fun spaceship or western themes that were out there for HL1?
Special goodness if there’s a sniper mod out there. I’ve done the entire HL1 with just a crossbow or the sniper rifle (and, of course, sv_cheats to get the weapons in the first place) and had a blast. Anything similar to that experience would be great.
Of course, everyone who opens this thread won’t be as persnickety as I, so please, for Freeman’s sake, post away whatever mod you’ve enjoyed.
(on preview: damn this sounds cranky. Maybe that’s why I want to go a-shootin’