Halloween in MD - scariest things to do

So my SO comes up with this idea for us to do something for halloween…since I’m new to the area, I thought I turn to you trusted MAD-dopers…

I’d like to have some input on the scariest events going on in MD these weekends leading up to Halloween. We live in Silver Spring and consider to travel 1,5 hrs at most.

So what are some of the truly scariest haunted houses, hayrides and such around?? I’ve tried to search the Web but wasn;t impressed by any of the things I found (mostly amateuristic stuff)…

Your input is greatly appreciated…

umm… JC is having a halloween party next weekend.

Other then that both Frederick, MD and Harper’s Ferry,WV do haunted tours this time of year. I’ve been told they are fun but not scary if that’s what your looking for. I haven’t seen much else around, but haven’t done anything like that in a long time. I would however stay away from Six Flags if you are looking for something good, fun yes, good no.

Is JC a scary person? Will it be a scary crowd?

I heard as much about Six Flags…tad too commercial and hardly scary.

Yes we are looking for something truly scary stuff - the kind that makes you crap your pants…

Is JC a scary person? Will it be a scary crowd?

I heard as much about Six Flags…tad too commercial and hardly scary.

Yes we are looking for something truly scary stuff - the kind that makes you crap your pants…

JC is Jonathan Chance, and he’s not much scary. His parties KICK ASS. You should come. All are welcome.

Little off the beatin’ path but well worth it.


Walk through West Baltimore alone after dark.