Hallucinations you've had

See or hear anything interesting?

When I go without sleep for approximately 48 hours, I begin to see human-shaped dark hazes moving around corners and such.
I also have auditory hallucinations, which I’m told are only bonafide if the sound comes from nowhere. I’ve heard girls sobbing or a voice that sounds like me usually says something like, “you forgot to shut the door.” These are induced by lack of sleep as well.

When I was younger (about four-five years ago) I used a lot of acid. Yes, I know I’m bad, anyway as such I saw and heard a lot of things.

I remember looking out my window, at a willow tree, and seeing poisonous red, white, and black snakes going up and down the branches of my tree. I remember looking at my carpet and seeing it move.

I remember seeing Star Wars and not being impressed (I didn’t see any “Trails”).

Maybe TMI-I remember watching a porno (on acid) and beat’n my meat FOURTEEN different times. The next day my arm was badly cramped, and my underwear severly stained…

I remember one time, when I was in my bed, seeing 4-6 greenish red people shaped things looking down on me. At the time my head was uncontrollably thinking about several different subjects at once. Everytime I had a new thought, it would be added to the mass of voices. That was the last time I every messed with hallucinagens.

I once saw a German WWII King Tiger tank. I was US a soldier in Germany on a training mission in 1998. I hadn’t slept in about 2- 2 1/2 days. We had just been sitting in one spot the whole time waiting for “the enemy” to show up. (The enemy were also American soldiers, but in M60 tanks and other US vehicles). The really strange thing was that it seemed real. It wasn’t painted pink or flying through the air. Weird.

The commo system we had in our tanks at the time had to be keyed for crewmembers to speak with each other. I reached up to key my mic then realized I couldn’t be seeing a King Tiger. I had several hallucinations. I actually did call up sighting a Fox recon vehicle. ( a modern vehicle used by both the US and Germany) I argued that it really is “RIGHT THERE!!!” screaming at the rest of the crew for not seeing it.

I remember having a nasty bout of the flu as a tot with a day of high fever. Very tiny people, a little bigger than ants, were crawling and climbing around on the patterns in the pillow. I remember that was so neat that it distracted me from the general awfulness of periodically vomitting up chicken noodle broth.

Since then, nothing very notable, excepting some mild college-time chemical experiments of the usual variety.

Whilst having a prolonged induction, I was given Stadol for uterine spasms. There was a framed picture of a country road winding between tall trees on the wall of the labor room, and after I had the drug, I saw lovely, tall trees growing all around my bed. They were even swaying gently in a breeze. All in all, really a very pleasant hallucination.

I heard moaning sounds in a graveyard on the Dingle peninsula in Ireland. Upon further inspection I think the sound was produced by the winds whipping through the front gates. At least I hope that was the cause.

I walked past my open doorway to my bedroom & saw Dr. Doolittle walk behind my bookcase, it was a kind of wall at the foot of the bed. He looked just like the drawing on the front of my Tab bookclub copy. Shook me up, I was about 7.
One I had more than once, I wake up & before I get out of bed, the room disappears & I see an impossibly white room with a beautiful golden lion, it’s real, but kind of cartoon-y looking. It’s smiling at me, even though it’s smiling, it really, really scares me, haven’t seen it since I was 9 or so.
Once, when I had a high fever, I was in the kitchen, there were masses of cockroaches coming after me, my mother was controlling them, I was about 15.

my ex is diabetic, he had some good ones when he was going into shock…I figured there would be some of those here…

Once, on acid, I tried to watch Star Wars and noticed about 20 minutes later that I had been staring at a single paused frame the whole time. It sure was cool, though!

one time i did shrooms with some friends, an 1/8th each…it was nuts. i saw leprachans, trees with snow on them (mind u this was over the summer), posters swirling, purple curtains that were actually blue, and alot more crazy shit. nevAr again though, it was nuts. i also thought about alot of shit during the trip but not 1 thought at a time, like 10 at a time and i was getting so confused…wow…my advice to u people is dont do drugs. lol

Yeah. We might end up with uncontrollably bad spelling.


:: Wonders when Homer will show up. ::

j unit 2003, that isn’t what a friend of mine told me it was like. He said he got a whole bunch of crazy thoughts in his head, but didn’t see anything. He said it wasn’t like LSD (he hasn’t taken it though).

The other day, I could’ve sworn I saw a marshmallow man (possibly Pillsbury Dough Boy) walking down someone’s driveway. It terrified me. It apparently was some strange reflection in the window.

I have never taken hallucinogenic drugs, but I can remember hallucinating on two occasions.

The first was when I was about 6 years old; I was at an airshow and there was an event where a plane flew past very low and very slow, dropping out a load of sweets(candy) on little parachutes (for the children) - they all ran out onto the field to retireve the goodies, I ran in a completely different direction as I was trying to catch a semitransparent toy paratrooper that I could see up in the sky.

The second time was after sleep deprivation for goodness only knows how long - days (I was in a job where we worked very long shifts back to back with minimal rest time) - I had returned home after just such a stint (the last part of which I spent driving from Holyhead to Southampton - a long and tiring journey in itself) and I sat in the bedroom at home waiting for sleep to take me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one of my wife’s large stuffed toys waving to me from the top of the wardrobe - it would tease me by stopping when I looked at it directly.

I may have related this story before. If so, it was so long ago that I doubt anyone remembers.

When I was 17 and stupid, I read accounts on the Internet of people getting high from large doses of Benadryl (active ingredient - diphenhydramine, and I don’t think I’ll ever forget that word as long as I live). Like true idiots, my friend and I decided to make the experience as memorable as possible, so we took the maximum recommended dose for tripping - 36 pills. Benadryl pills seem to have gotten larger since then, so it was no big deal getting them all down. I could swallow eight at a time.

My friend had a parent-imposed curfew that took effect just an hour after we took the pills. To this day, I’m still not sure why he decided to take them, knowing he had to go home so soon.

By the time either of us really started tripping, we were both alone in our respective homes with our families fast asleep. Other than a nagging sleepiness (diphenhydramine is also the active ingredient in most OTC sleeping pills), I felt normal. My eyes and ears sure as hell weren’t anything close to normal, though.

I saw cats my family didn’t own parade through my basement bedroom. I watched my ceiling fan slowly fall down from the ceiling, touch the floor, then rise back up. I vividly heard people trying to break into the house at 3AM even though none existed.

There were also other occurences that made me think my brain wasn’t quite functioning correctly, but that I didn’t notice at the time. When I woke up, I saw charred remains in my bong. Odd, since I hadn’t had any pot for weeks. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be wadded-up paper matches. I WAS SMOKING MATCHES! Wow. Oh, and I also wet my bed. Try explaining that one to mom at 17.

As bizarre as my experiences were, my friend had a much rougher time. The Benadryl gave him a full-blown seizure, despite his having never shown any signs of epilepsy in the past. He was rushed to the hospital and ended up spending three days there. Luckily, he didn’t suffer any permanent damage, but he did have to go on Dilantin (an anti-convulsant) for a while.

The same friend also saw Jesus in the form of a blue Smurf in my bathroom one time while on acid. Of course, that was a much more enjoyable experience than the Benadryl fiasco. Even so, I no longer use any drug that makes me hallucinate. Acid gets boring after a while.

Once when I was about fifteen, I was sleeping over at my uncle’s house. Everyone was asleep in different rooms, and I was alone on an air matress in the living room.

From the general direction of the fireplace I heard what sounded like striking matches. I went over, thinking it was some kind of wierd air flow, but it wasn’t. The sound went on all night. It morphed from striking matches to fire to the sound of hundreds of marching feet.

I know it was a hallucination because if I concentrated on something (like singing a song in my head) it would fade out. It would then fade back in as I relaxed and tried to sleep. I spent that night laying on my air mattress with my eyes wide open singing “it’s a small world” in my head over and over again, completely freaked out of my mind.

The only other auditory hallucination I’ve had was someone whispering “permanent” into my ear when I was all alone in my room. Not as long lasting as the first one, but the implications are much freakier.

I’ve had some auditory hallucinations. After my African clawed frog died, late at night I would hear his peeping slash croaking coming from the other room. That noise is fairly unique and I can not think of any noise this house would make which could sound like that.
After playing Pokemon Silver for days on end I would always hear the music playing somewhere around me, at night I’d get up and move to turn off my gameboy but it would already be shut off.
At work I have constant visual hallucinations of light flashes, either in strings or radial patterns, with the kind of coloration one would see in an oily puddle or watching crystals grow under a microscope. I used to see spiders all the time but that particular hallucination stopped either from disbelief (i would always reach out to touch them and feel nothing) or I’m no longer near patterns or surroundings that would engender such visions.
None of my hallucinations have been from drugs, exposure to ergot or any other active substance.

Another sleep deprivation hallucination: many moons ago, I was driving home late and could have sworn I saw a horse run across the highway in front of me. That woke me up, I’ll tell ya!

i’m one of those people who spikes a fever of 103 every time i get even a slight cold.

so i’ve had some really good ones.

the best was when i collapsed in the shower and saw these little pink birds flying around the water tap, and the worst was when i saw a dinosaur outside the window.

it’s lots of fun when i’m sick.

I’ve done my share of drugs (when I was bad TM )and I never saw realistic looking things. I’m not saying you have, but that’s the impression that I get.

Every hallucination I’ve had, due to drugs, has been vague. The snakes I saw were hard to distiguish and to be honest, I couldn’t tell if they were snakes, they were shiny flashing red, white, and black lines, entangled in the tree branches.

The “people” over me were masses, sort of like when you stare at a bright light for a little bit and you then look at something else. The difference being they stayed above me longer. The images reminded me of doctors, operating, which could be why I thought of them as people. As I also said, I quit after that hallucination, mainly because I couldn’t control my thoughts-they wouldn’t leave my head.

Once, (this one was due to lack of sleep), a stack of tires next to the side of the road turned into an angry armadillo for a couple seconds. I was just about to scream for my father [who was driving the car] to look out when I realized, oh, that can’t possibly exist, now can it? and then it turned back into tires again a few seconds later.

Several times over the past couple months, for no reason at all, I’ve heard voices. This occurs at night, just before I fall asleep. They aren’t dreams–I’m still awake–and the couple times they’ve occured I haven’t been especially sleep-depraved. Usually what’s said is either completely non-sensical, and sometimes redundant, like one word chanted over and over again. I usually forget what was said by the next morning.

Lastly, If I listen to music really loud and I’m by myself, sometimes I’ll hear a woman calling my name, seemingly from the next room. It’s very annoying, cos I’ll shut the music off, thinking there’s actually someone there, call “yeah?” and everything, and look like a complete nutbar.

I’ve never done LSD or mushrooms–actually, I’ve never done anything at all–and I’ve taken the MMPI (it’s a test that that shows whether or not you’re susceptible to certain mental disorders that a full-fledged psyciatrist gives you [I took it to see if I had depression]) and it said, more or less, that I didn’t have a high schizophrenic tendancy. Yeah…maybe I need to take it again.

A fever-induced one when I was little, 7 or 8, scared me half to death. I was sicker than hell with the flu, w/ the typical vomiting, soaring temperature, etc. I woke out of an uneasy doze at night. Somehow the folds of the blanket looked exactly like skeleton arms and a skull, creeping up from the floor and over the side of the bed toward me. I screamed like a factory whistle, terrified out of my feverish little skull.

It isn’t exactly a hallucination, more a weird auditory quirk, but sometimes I sometimes hear very faint music when my right ear is pressed into the pillow at night. It’s like a radio, played very, very faintly. I can’t quite make out the music, but it’s there. It isn’t particularly distracting and doesn’t bother me. It’s just weird.

A few synapses mis-firing,