HALO 2 trailer from E3 -- anyone seen it yet? Link!

Bungie released an 9 minute reattime game demo of Halo 2 today at E3. Links range from 35MB to 155MB, so the dialup folks likely may move on to something else.

Here’s a ling to bungie’s site, which has about 25 mirrors hosting the clip. (bottom of page)

I got a very good download rate (130 kbps) from this one specifically (of course, now that I link it it will get more traffic and likely be slow as piss, but…) :

:drool: Dear sweet baby jeebus. I want this game to be out NOW.

I saw this yesterday… I am slipping on my drool…

Kicking Elites out of ghosts!!! This is going to be fun. No more being run over by my son in multi-player… time for his comuppance!

I saw this a couple days ago. I spent most of it gibbering and pointing at the screen saying, “Ohmygod, he just kicked that…ohmygod, that is so awesome…”

But then, I remember the trailer for the original Halo and how it rocked my world.

Can’t wait to play this… would’ve been this year’s “E3 Game of Show” if Half Life didn’t have a much closer release date, as far as I’m concerned.

Err… that should, of course, read “Half Life 2.”