Hammacher Schlemmer? Got a catalog of this

Got a catalog of Hammacher Schlemmer; I heard of it before but never saw the actual stuff. Looks expensive sharper image but for older people with lots of arthritis gadgets. Stuff like “low voltage electric blanket” makes me think that jee, there might be high voltage ones elsewhere that could hurt me!

Is this stuff made-in-cheapa and overpriced with marketing gimmicky copy designed to manipulate people’s instincts into buying stuff they don’t need?

Or is it cool stuff you can’t find elsewhere and higher quality than normal?

I’ve always had the impression that it’s quality but overpriced along with gimmicky quality that’s overpriced.

The company does have it’s own testing facility.

From Wiki.

It’s a good place to look for things to buy . . . then find them somewhere else for half the price.

I’d say it’s a mix of overpriced quality, with “I never knew I could buy that”.
I’ve actually found it quite useful for gift giving. Very few people are going to spend
$130 on a miniture pop can dispenser for themselves, but I know several people that would love to have one on their desk, if it came as a gift.