hamster names

Tammy, short for “the Tamster Hamster”.

Or, as a nod to her heritage, Syriana (nickname Anna).

Oh, have I got a name for her…


Short for amelanistic, no black, not a true albino. Also short for Melanie, a nice girl’s name.

Or Cecelia (not Cecil), in honor of our board’s own hard working hamsters.

Do you keep snakes or cats?

Ive had quite a few hamsters in my life. Hammy garfunkle (?) Mississippi mud pie (?) and suzanne and stephanie to name but a few… My sis has just got one and called it Dingo! Don’t know why, but just name him something that makes you smile when you call it out. He/she ain’t gonna know either way! enjoy your hamster and make sure you handle and play with him a lot (if he’s syrian, not so much if he’s dwarve!! they dont like it much! you might end up with some lovely bites!!)
Rodents are a lovely pet to keep though, so make sure you spend the time with him/her. You’ll enjoy it much more that way!
mars x

When our hamster arrived we had the following conversation: “Kids, I got a free hamster from a lady at work. What shall we name it.” 3 year old: “Mouse.” 7-year old: “It doesn’t have a long tail and it’s big, it’s a hamster.” 3-year old: “MOUSE.” 13-year old: “It looks like a mouse, but it’s a hamster.” “MOUSE. MOUSE. MOUSE” 18-year old: “Must be named ‘Mouse.’”

So I guess this is a second vote for Puppy. Or Kitty.

Crunchy or Squishey. That’s the sound they make when you “find” them after they have escaped from their cages.

Hamtaro was a hamster themed anime for about 5 minutes that I noticed advertised on cable TV.

Lemmiwinks, or Ultra-Peepi :wink:

No… just a perverse sense of humor.

Zev Steinhardt

How abouy Lily White Lumpkins?

Mr. Armadillo’s childhood pet hamster was named Megabyte (or “Mega-bite”) for a variety of reasons :wink:


Spectre, Phantom, Phantasm?

All hamsters should be named after great villains of history: Rasputin, Cassius, Napolean or Cromwell.

Hamlet. Of Denmark, of course.

Richard Gere.

I loved that show, all 2 1/2 episodes that I saw before it was yanked.

there are names of the Ham-Hams on the website.

how about Rose or Martha?






We always named ours after light effects: Shimmer, Shine, Glow, Gleam, Sparkle, etc.

I have Bill, Kiddo, Leto, Sheeana, Murbella, Miles and Darwi.

Laser or Bud Light