Hand sanitizers

I understand the logic behind concern about certain antibacterial products (i.e., selecting for stronger bacteria). However, I seem to recall that some products (like chlorine)are okay in this regard because they are strong enough to kill most or all of the critters.

My question is: Do “hand sanitizers” fall into the “safe” category? I don’t mean antibacterial lotions. I mean the alcohol-based “waterless” things that smell like a vodka martini. My husband is addicted to them and keeps them stashed in cars and backpacks, etc. (He also washes with soap and water a lot, so it’s probably okay).

So, anyone have any opinions on this?

I had to look this up because I don’t have any in my house.

Most antibalterial hand soaps use triclosan which is a “targeted” antibacterial agent.

This is important because if a anticaterial agent is “targeted” than a bacterium can mutate resistance.

However, there are some VERY effective “non-targeted” antibiotics. Among these is bleach which killes bacteria by oxidation. Other strong oxidizing agents are used as well; Hydrogen peroxide and Ozone.

Alcohol is an antibacterial by dissolving the cellular membrane.

So if the hand wipes don’t have Triclosan or some other unfamiliar active agent, it should be fine:)

Those gel type sanitizers are just alcohol with moisturizers. I don’t know the long term affects if any of constantly rubbing alcohol into your skin. I love them, count me in as another addicted to them.

I can’t say they do much. They are anti bacterial, yes, but not anti-virus.

so why doesn’t heavy drinking stop infections?

>> so why doesn’t heavy drinking stop infections?

Actually it does. Once you are dead and buried you don’t have to worry about infections.

Legally drunk is what, about .1% alcohol in the blood? It’d probably hurt the immune system more than the bacteria.

Hey, sailor, thanks for the first smile I’ve had in over a week, it’s much appreciate, thanks!! ‘…once you’re dead and buried…’ :smiley:

Count me as another who keeps Purell EVERYWHERE! It’s on every floor of my house, plus in my pocketbook and velcroed inside my car! I was at a grocery store a few weeks ago (I had 'purelled BEFORE going in, and I purell once I get in the car again!) The cashier sniffed at me…then leaned over the counter and asked could she use a drop of my Purell! BOY! SHE must be addicted or something! …yeah, I let the addict have a few drops, but I was there to monitor her usage. :wink:

I guess they are okay if you want to use them. You still have all the bacteria & viruses on your hands until you wash them.

It’s extrememly rare to ever catch something just because you got it on your hands! Its what you do with you hands later that gets you infected.