Handkerchiefs; Anybody Still Use Them?

On television recently, someone mentioned how handkerchiefs should come back in style - good for the environment and classy at the same time.

However, I know a lot of people who have the “ick” factor of basically putting a rag full of snot back into their pocket or purse or whatever.

  1. So, was kind of wondering - anyone still carry - and use - handkerchiefs?
  2. If not, would it weird you out to start carrying one and using it instead of paper tissues?
    Damn…spelled handkerchiefs wrong in title! Mod - help!

I carry one, always have. What creeps me out is some jackass in a movie theatre or much worse, a restaurant, constantly snorting up his snot because he doesn’t have a tissue available. Who carries a pack of tissues around?

Yup, I’ve never given up carrying and using handkerchiefs. If I have a cold, though, I tend to use tissues for blowing my nose. A small pack of tissues fits in a man’s pocket reasonably easily.

I’m 53, btw. Age may have a lot (or a little) to do with it.

Never. I’m 48. I do keep tissues in my office. Or paper towels.

I don’t drip enough that I would need a hanky.

The ones I got from my grandma when I was a kid made GREAT GI Joe parashoots.

Sure I do. And I’m a 21-year-old girl. They’re more convenient than carrying around a raggedy little pack of Kleenex. They’re more environmentally friendly than killing trees every time I blow my nose. They’re softer on my nose when I do need them. They’re nicer for crying into, should I need them. They’re cheaper than Kleenex because I’m only buying them every couple of years, not all the time. I can toss them in the wash with whatever else I’m washing, and they don’t shed all over my clothes in the dryer. For that matter, they don’t shed all over the inside of my purse or my bag or whatever. If I need to clean a stain off something, I can wet one and use it as a little rag instead of using Kleenex which will disintegrate or shed all over my clothes. I can get pretty ones with flowers or whatever on them, which is nicer than Kleenex any day.

I am a devotee.

Just for embroidery. My uncle uses the old fashioned bandana for emotional events, for crying. (At my cousin’s wedding, for example.)


Gotcha covered, DMark. Thread title spelling fixed.


No chance. There are a few old timers around the office that use them but hey are disgusting. How someone can blow snot into a nonabsorbant catcher like that and then stick it in a pocket to reuse later is beyond me. FYI I’m 33 and the aformentioned oldies are all over 55

I use them for walking around, though I use kleenex as well (box by my bed, on my desk). I have regular (men’s) hankies for sticking in the pocket of pants or a skirt, and big bandannas for the pockets of my jackets and coats.

They’re not that disgusting – keep them folded, unfold, blow your nose, refold. Launder regularly.

Hubby uses them because tissues tend to disintigrate when he uses them.

I do. I use them more for mopping up my brow (I react poorly to heat). I’m 30.

Not a chance! I’ll stick with tissues, thanks! But come to think of it, other than when I have a cold or dreaded sinus problems, I don’t usually carry tissues in my purse. I do keep a stash at home and in the office, though.

i carry one but i don’t use it for snot. I just use mainly for face or hands after wash.

40-year-old guy here. Always carried them (back right pocket), always will. I carry 2 or 3 during allergy season when I’m particularly drippy (is that a word?). If I used kleenex I would rub the top two layers of skin right off of my nostrils.

I’m 36 and my family uses handkerchiefs - no tissues in the house. I have a cute little wicker basket that sits in our living room and has an assortment of handkerchiefs, within reach of the kids. I usually have a couple in my backpack and my oldest gets a clean one in his backpack every school-day. Most of the stuff in our house is reusable. We don’t have any paper towels here, either, although I draw the line at toilet paper. I like my toilet paper.


Except when I have a cold. Then I do carry a few tissues in my pocket, because a handkerchief would get soggy and disgusting.

I carry one around because you never know when you’ll need it. After all, how many of us have a box of tissue paper available at all times?

My notion is that handkerchiefs are not for blowing one’s nose but for dabbing an eye or a brow. (Disposable tissue – toilet paper works fine too – is best for blowing one’s nose, and best done in private – if you are having to blow your nose in front of others all day, you might not be well enough to be out and about. Not to mention the “bats in the cave” factor.) And if you’re needing to dab an eye or a brow out in the marketplace, better you be seen engaging in that activity with an ironed little white square exquisitely edged and stitched with scallops and tiny wild strawberries, than a linty bit of tissue or a wrinkled rag.

I keep one in a suit pocket when I anticipate brow- or eye-dabbing potential in my calendar.

I never use tissues or paper towels My little stand for the environment.

(As for hankies, I prefer loudly colored bandanas.)

When in the outdoors I always carry a bandana, as they have multiple uses, including medical.

But yes, on occasion, I have used them to blow my nose, although they are just about the last resort.

I do carry a classic white hanky in my briefcase and suit pockets for similar emergencies.