A few months ago, I was in a car in Southern Louisiana. The guy driving the car swears he thought it was shredded tire. It was an eight foot alligator. Or at least two four foot segments :eek:. Anyone else care to share their biggest/most bragworthy roadkill?
1800 pound Hereford steer.
Don’t look at me like that! He wasn’t supposed to be on the road, dammit!!
[sub]Oops. 800, not 1800. Sorry about that.[/sub]
Not me but my dad
He hit a moose…
Hit it in the ass and said it helicoptered into a ditch which was real impressive for a big freakin moose. Him and his buddys got out to see it and suddenly it bounced up and charged them. They jumped back in the car and hightailed it. Said he swears the moose was charging at them as they tore off and got a funny picture of it chasin them.
The dent in the truck was impressive too…smelled like shit and was furry