Happy Birthday, JillGat!

Please join me in birthday wishes to our very own JillGat.

Have a fabulous one, Jill! :slight_smile:

Happy Birffday, Jill!

::Unplugs smoke detector::


I have this fat, expensive gift here, beautifully wrapped, but the card reads “Jill MacGruder.”

Oh well.

heaves it into the dumpster

Happy birthday, JillGat…have a great one!

Thought she’d try to slip by without her birthday greetings, did she? Not likely.

Happy Birthday, Jill. What are you now, twenty-two? Twenty-three?

happy birthday Jill!

excellent choice in b’days, m’dear :smiley:
have a great one.

Happy birthday, Jill. Margaritas are on me.

Woo-hoo! A birthday! I just love birthdays, don’t you? Well, my unbirthday is today, as I am sure a lot of people’s is, but please do have a great birthday.

Hey! Where’s the food? I’m kinda hungry. :smiley:

Happy Birthday, Jill!!

Happy Birthday, JillGat

May you have many more.

Happiest of birthdays, Jill!

And may I take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work you put in on this board. Our moderators make this place what it is…a wonderful place to hang out, visit, debate and so forth.

Hope the day brings you your heart’s desire…hey, hope the whole YEAR brings you nothing but happiness!


All Jills deserve to have happy birthdays! :smiley:

From one to another, here’s wishing you the happiest!

I really appreciate your consideration in avoiding stepping on my penis - Spiny Norman
Jeg elsker dig, Thomas

Happy Birthday, Jill!

Won’t you get cold?

Naw, Arden, some one will show up to lick it all off soon enough!

A very happy birthday, Jill and many happy returns!

It’s spelled “Magruder” but it’s the thought that counts!

Thanks, everybody.

oops, just now seeing this thread. Happy Birthday, Jill. I hope you had a nice day. :slight_smile: