Happy Birthday Osip!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Osip
Happy Birthday to you!

And manny more! :wink:


Happy thipy phtaphy bthuthuday!!

::tiggeril channels Owl from Winnie-the-Pooh::

Happy birthday to my favorite Alabama Doper!

Umm…besides myself, that is.

Happy birthday, ya big lug!

Happy Birthday Osip!

Happy Birthday to Osip!
And thank you for your praise of me in the SDMB awards thread! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday, Osip!

And may you celebrate many, many more with us here!


Happy Birthday (again), Osip!

THank you all for those kind words.
I did have a great birthday indeed.

Yeah that is right come in here and rub THAT in my face.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Just kidding.