Happy Birthday Weirddave

Happy Birthday, Dave. Make the rest of them even better.

Happy Birthday, old man!

Hope you’ve had a great one.

Happy birthday, Dave! And, take it from me, 35 is downright young!

::MsRobyn makes a special cake for Dave, and does not leave room for the stripper::

Oh, and here’s a six-pack of Iron City! :wink:

Happy birthday!



Thank you everybody! I enjoyed it, I hope you had a good day as well.

So much for my idea–sending him women and complimenting him on his choice of beer.
Anyway–Happy Birhtday, youngster!

Happy Birthday Dave!!


But Ginger, it’s for your son, really! So Dave can shred the left-behind scrap and the trees that he’ll need to be cutting down! So your boy will have lotsa safe play area… Yeah! That’s the ticket!

Pssstt…! Dave! Keep a low profile, man! We’ll take the heat, as long as you allow us a shot at running the shredder once!

:smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Sorry I’m a day late…
Happy Birthday, Dave!