Happy (Lesser)Holidays - A Festive MMP

I offered to run a hot bath for him but while we were discussing it I heard water start running at the back of the house. We don’t have interior water pipes back there but the watering system controls as well as a hose bib is on that corner of the house. One of the controller thingies had blown off the pipe and water was geysering roof high.

Hubs went out to the main valve and shut it off then came back saying stupid shit like WHAT ELSE COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG TONIGHT?!?

I almost smacked him with my cane, the dumbass.

My feelings won’t get hurt at all if you guys are laughing your butts off about now.

Hubs is still planning on taking his sorry he-man butt to the hardware store so he can fix the sink, but we are calling someone else to fix the watering system.

Getting old means paying someone to do something that we could have easily done if we were ten years younger.