HAPPY Mundane December

I’m bored. Bored, bored, bored. I have read, watched TV, logged on about 100 times to check the board. Right now I am in the middle of making falafel. After that is over I am gonna clean the kitchen. Then I may read some more.

I still have about 60 dollars left over from the gift certificate my bosses gave me. I saw this really cute cookie jar at Lechter’s that I might get. The design is two cats wearing sunglasses and driving a 50’s style car. Now, I don’t NEED a cookie jar, but this is so cute. If I don’t get the cookie jar I might get this clock-radio I saw at Crate and Barrell. I don’t need it either but it is very different looking, its style is kinda like something from the 40’s. My home is so blah, I’d like to try to dress it up a bit, give it some flair. But I can’t decide on a theme.

Well, I gotta go check on the falafel.

Falafel looked good and smelled good, but tasted awful. I hate failed cooking experiments. :frowning:

My cat Angel is trying to lay on my mouse pad.

Today I have two things happening… one very sad and one very wonderful…

This afternoon I go to the funeral of one of the best friends I will ever have. She was a beautiful, loving woman. That makes me sad

Then I go to my son’s Christmas Concert where he is a reindeer in the play, and that makes me giggle like crazy to see him running around excitedly with antlers on his head.

He’s definitely his mother’s son :wink:

I opened the door, and look who I found. Damn I’m good

Being in London in December is nice - yes so it is cold but it is very pretty also. That is making my December happy.

I’m much better now. It’s now day 16 of being sick and all I have left over is a residual nasal congestion that just won’t go away. I’m use to pregnancy congestion, but this is with mild amounts of discharge. Thank god for tissue with lotion in it.

Our furnance won’t run right now because the air filter hubby has been meaning to replace he hasn’t and the thing won’t turn on until it gets a new filter. So we woke up with a house at around 60* this morning at 530am.
(I thought it was my antibiotic and decogestant messing with my body and making me feel cold ( not chills, but cold) all the time. Then this happens.

It snowed last night. Just when I’m caught up on Xmas cards, we get another batch in.

I desperately want to do the pregnant thing and nest ( paint, clean)BUT, what I really really really really want to throw out two ugly and sin dressers that every time I look at them ( preg or not) I just gnash my teeth. We can’t afford new ones and there are nothing really wrong with these (except 1 being old and yucky and the other I’ve hated it since my teenage years), BUT if I TOOK AN AXE to them, I could then move them to the burn pile in our yard. Hell, we live outta the dryer and laundry baskets anyway. Hmmm, I wonder if the chainsaw has fuel and if it would be too heavy for me to operate. I wonder if I could weed wack the dressers into oblivion.

So, I will do what I do everytime I can’t move something and hubby won’t move it
( citing it doesn’t have to be moved and there’s nothing wrong with it…yadda x 3), I go into the basement and throw out something of his. It’s extremely invigorating.

Oh, the cars are running fine thanks to hubby.

We still can’t decide on a baby’s name. Oh well.

Received possibly one of the most obnoxious Christmas cards ever. From my sister in law who has never sent out Xmas cards ever. It’s with their 6 month old daughter on it. Very tastefully done. Martha Stewart would be envious.(SIL and Martha Stewart are on the same level of people who annoy the crap out of everyone else and think that everyone LIKES them.) This is the IVF baby. Underneath her adorable b&w picture ( in an expensive outfit from Paris) it’s captioned, " Miracles do happen."

I was just so annoyed (pregnancy hormones are so much fun) by this that I wanted to write underneath it, " More like Science and a bank loan coming together." and mail it back to her.

Phew Michelle! You need to take the rest of that gift cert to the bookstore and buy all three volumes of “The Tightwad Gazette” (actually, I think they’ve been re-released as one big “supervolume.”) Or some other books that will help you get your spending under control and pay off those cards. I was the same way for the longest time (big credit bill, student loan, etc.) and now I have one credit card I pay off every month and LOVE IT.

My good news: Returned from thrift store shopping expidetion with 3 new skirts and a pair of skorts – ALL FIT! Whoo-hoo! Also: paperbacks of “Oscar & Lucinda” and “A Civil Action” and a gold-rimmed Pyrex platter to add to my collection. Total cost? $10.47 at the first store and $3.45 at the second. Yeee-ha!

“There’s a snake in my boot!”

I finally have a connection that kicks ass. Cable modem. Merry Christmas to me! :smiley:

Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.

I just saw Mahir on The Daily Show on Comedy Central.

Shirley, you make my day. First I was laughing my ass off at your other thread, and now this. Thanks for the laughs.

One question: do you pronounce Tegan like Megan, or like Tee-gan?