hardening chocolate syrup

I have some chocolate sauce to pour on my ice cream.
It will harden into a shell.
How do they do this?

It says right there on the label - Magic.

I believe it’s the fats that are (just) liquid at room temperature, but solidify into a waxlike solid when cooled.

…as opposed to solidifying into something other than a solid :smack:

so its temperature and not some sort of chemical thing?

Don’t be so hard on yourself. You had to have some word to apply the adjective to - otherwise you’d have just said “solidify into a waxlike”, which is ungrammatical, or “solidify into wax”, which is incorrect.

Both, really.

I see…:dubious:

OK to qualify, it doesn’t change its chemical structure - which is what I’m guessing you mean. If you heat it up again, it’ll go back to being liquid. But it is because of its chemical structure that it has its melting point between room temperature and ice cream temperature. Both, y’see! :smiley:

Now I see!

If you pull off a bit of the hardened sauce and leave it to return to room temperature, I think it will return to liquid state.

The sauce is just a confection like ordinary chocolate, it just happens to be made with ingredients that give it a lower melting point.

and what ingredients are those?

Fat mostly.

Which is why it tastes so goooooood.

That stuff is scary; when I worked for Baskin-Robbins, the main ingredient was PARAFFIN (yuck!). I won’t touch the stuff myself.

Eva Luna, 3rd-generation ice cream professional

No, you can’t get it to harden on your partner’s body parts, not unless you freeze them first!

If that wasn’t your plan, then never mind. :smiley:

Well, you could… You’d just have to find a guy (in my case) who would be willing to have Mr. Winky packed in ice beforehand.

I haven’t been able to do this yet, but I keep trying to convince DH that it would be a ‘scientific experiment.’ :wink:

It’s basically flavored margerine.

Well, considering his SN, I’m guessing they were going to try it on him… :smiley:

Is that right? (USA Paraffin = UK ‘wax’, right?).

So it’s not just a waxlike solid, it’s actually wax…mmmmm…chocolate wax.

So to sum up, it hardens, solidifying into a solid, hardened waxlike solidified waxy hardened solid wax.