Harriet Tubman to Replace Andrew Jackson on $20 Bill

So what? She will discover she is wrong, and the world will continue to spin.

Tubman is solid. Should use this picture.

Considering how money is used these days. I’m not sure having your face on it is such an exalted honor anymore.

Tubman is an important historical figure and it was time for a new face on our currency. Congrats are in order.

I’d like to see a new face on the $20 every decade. Honor ten people every century…

Hey, she helped Lincoln defeat those evil Southern Vampires as well…

We already do that with the state quarters, so there’s definitely precedent.

Harriet Tubman as badass action hero—I like it.

Not suggesting he wasn’t, just that his replacement should also break heads and/or hearts.

TR bills wouldn’t be spendable because each one would punch its way through your wallet.

They’re the only thing that come out of ATMs. What do you get?

Plus, it would be hard to get that big stick in there.

I get US$50 bills. Only US currency the machines will dispense. But I’m outside the US and wouldn’t know what the Stateside machines are spitting out these days.

When I withdraw local currency (Cayman dollars) I get CI$25 and CI$50 bills, equivalent to US$31.25 and US$62.50 respectively.

Ben Carson is a fan, apparently -

You have a Cayman Islands bank account, something I can only dream about having.:smiley:

Eventually, he will be - neither is O’Connor, but she will be.

By the way, if you want to stick to “Presidents or Founding Fathers” Abigail Adams makes a lot of Founding Father’s lists.

I am certain that something like that will happen. It happened with the last update of the $100, and it has happened with people who were simply unacquainted with $2s.

I don’t know what the big deal is.

I’d be quite happy having a circulating set of faces on the money, changing them every decade or so. As long as the number that denotes the value of the banknote is printed in big, obvious characters, why does the face on the bill have to remain eternally unchanged?

What’s the big fucking deal? It’s not like every goddamned president, whether on a banknote or not, doesn’t have hundreds or thousands of other things named after him. Why not open up the currency used by the American people to a more representative sample of the American people?

Hell, i’d be happy to evict portraits from the money altogether. I’d be just as happy with National Parks, or animals, or scenic wonders, or whatever.

Yeah, that’s gonna be a biiiiiiiiiiiiig problem. :rolleyes:

I guess that, because some people still fall for phishing scams, we should also reconsider our use of email?

(Yeah, I just quoted myself.)

It would please me greatly to be wrong about my prediction.

I don’t think we should switch people every 10 years. There’s a value to continuity. Counterfeiting is an issue, especially abroad, so familiarity with the general design is a plus.

That said, Andrew Jackson was placed on the bill in 1928. I think we can manage rotations every 50+ years or so. Or 90+ years. Our hardy predecessors dealt with Grover Cleveland in a 1918 issue and Hugh McCulloch in 1902. Somehow, someway, they persevered.

We do. They’re on quarters.

Too late.

I have no problem with a revolving portrait on our currency.

It’s not that big of a deal.

The issue for me can be best summed up by the Nobel Peace Prize. I know I’m not alone in thinking that it should be renamed the Nobel Wishful Thinking Prize. This isn’t even an under-handed slam against Obama when there are so many less-deserving recipients like Arafat.

Other than that… well, as I said before, I’m just not a fan of currency changing at all. For me, the stability in form as well as function is a reassuring element of money. It’s meant to be boring, consistent and reliable. You start adding holograms and color and state mottos and you upset the whole balance of life. :slight_smile: