Harry Potter Audio Books

Since the new HP is comming I thought I would catch up on HP again. Since my reading time is limited I figured AB would be a good way to catch up. Especially given my commute is at least an hour each way every day.

If you havent listened to any HP audio books, do so!!! The guy who reads them is incredible! Different and distinctive voices for all chars., and read with real emotion. They are expensive, but if you can afford it, do it. Makes a drive fly by.

Except for his Hermione voice.
Most. Irritating. Thing. Ever.


But the Madame Pomfrey voice totally makes up for it.

Jim Dale rocks, no doubt about it.

A hundred different characters, and I can recognize every one of them even before the “Lupin sighed” part. Can’t wait to hear him do “The Half-Blood Prince”.


Oh man. I really want to hear these. Just get the publisher to make them available digitally. My audio book budget goes to Audible.com and they’re not available. Pout.

but his Hagrid is the best…EVER! Fit the mental image I get from the books perfectly.

His Hermione is terrible but other than that he’s very good. Nice to see the old Carry on … star still in work.

The Stephen Fry Chamber of Secrets is also very good.

I haven’t heard the Jim Dale, but I loved Stephen Fry’s Cos. It’s my favorite audiobook behind Kenneth Branagh’s Richard III and Jeremy Irons’ Lolita (his French is atrocious, but I think Lolita is just one of those books that lends itself to reading, the narrative style being what it is).