Harry Potter: Final book

That’s my guess. Lily’s love for Harry in sacrificing herself killed Voldie the first time. Snape’s love for Lily in sacrificing himself for Lily’s son will kill him the second time. This also has the advantage of being an ending JK could’ve written at the time she wrote the 1st book, since it only involves characters intorduced there.

Some people seem to be picturing the final book as some sort of Shakespearian bloodbath. This doesn’t fit since 1. it’s still a childrens adventure/fantasy and 2. In past books it’s been one single character main character who dies a dramatic death, not a room filled with mowed down bodies. Why she has upped the stakes in each book, I’m not seeing her killing off half of Hogwarts. And I still doubt she kills Harry, she’s just playing with her readers. She did the same thing before book 5, making everyone think one of the Weaslys was going to bite it.

lol! It does seem to be the mans style to kill off every character I really like…


No, it’s been a while since I read it.

Isn’t it a theme that AD is never dead (or “gone”) as long as there are those at Hogwarts who are loyal to him? It’s fine that AD died (although I enjoyed him very much) because he can still be an influence thru HP. Not as some sort of ghostly possession, but there is his portrait and there is the pensieve.

I would like Snape to be one who dies, whilst redeeming himself by saving Harry. I would like HP to learn a lesson or two about trust–I think that HP needs to grow up in his attitude towards Snape. Yep, I know he’s a teen, but he sees Snape in terms of black and white–which is strange, you would think that after seeing the memories in the pensieve that show HP that his Dad was jerk (at times) that he would see that Snape has complexities and is not a knee jerk bad guy.
Ron can’t die, because that leaves Hermione at loose ends. I think it will be Hagrid (one monster too many) or Mrs Weasley.

Not quite. She said that the very last word of the series was “scar,” but offered no qualifying context.

I guess we’ll have to wait until this time next year to find out…

Yea, we should start a “who will survive” thread when the release date for the next “Ice and Fire” book gets closer.

Quartz, the (assumebly rough) publishing date for the next Potter book is next summer then?

Unless they both die. No loose ends that way.

Well, it could really imply that he’s now a zombie. Actually, that would be a perfect launching point for the next series. Titles like Zombie Potter and The Annoying Cleric.

On a related subject…why exactly would an author of so highly a reguarded series want to end it forever? As she said in the link, its not like she is going to have ANOTHER series this popular. Hell, she could allow other writers to spin off HP books that take place after her books, simply edit them and put her name with theirs on the cover and keep raking in the cash.

Definitely. Although the next book is basically a parallel book to the one recently released…it simply follows other characters during the same time line. It SHOULD be out pretty soon, at least thats the impression I got reading the afterward. It will be the NEXT book I’d think where we start seeing some serious wackage of main characters again…


So far, it seems to be two years between books, except when she was pregnant, and she traditionally releases in the summer. I actually expect her to finish the book very early next year. Then it will need to be proofed and editted. That will take us to mid-April. And then there will need to be huge numbers of books printed and delivered to shops, all for a late June release.

She’s made a billion dollars off the series (not an exageration, really a billion dollars!). I don’t think she’s too concerned with making more money. And the bit you quoted in the OP makes it sound like she’s uncomfortable with allowing other authors to use her creation in the manner you suggest.

I would lose what respect I have for Rowling if she did that. I don’t think she’s the greatest writer of children’s fiction or any fiction, really–but she has been an excellent steward of her characters and world.

I hope she doesn’t kill off Harry. Ron and Hermione kicking it would be too much of a bummer. I think Mrs Weasley is perfect. I like her alot, but there would be a certain irony in her snuffing it-with that clock of hers and all.

My bet is for Percy to be one of the ones to snuff it. Don’t have too much to go on in this guess, but he’s been a right pratt so far, and he’s due. :slight_smile:

If he were alive today, you could ask Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who famously killed off Sherlock Holmes (before returning him from the dead). Everywhere the author goes, people will be asking him or her what’s going to happen to the character next. So if you end your series decisively, you might prevent some of these questions. And as Malodorous suggested, she really doesn’t need to make any more money off of this. (Although I am amazed that she’s made as much as has been reported.)

Well, at a billion dollars…no I don’t guess she needs to make any more off of the series/character at that. :stuck_out_tongue: Its just that there is still a lot of story potential there I suppose. But I guess I can see why, given she is THAT rich, she can do what she likes and decisively end the series. Give that in fact, maybe she WILL end up wacking Harry…and/or some of the other popular characters too (wouldn’t want spin offs of THEM either, no?).


I took Percy as a given. Does he count as a major character?

For the curious, here is a full transcript of J. K. Rowling’s recent interview.

Can any UK dopers give a little background on what “UK talk show Richard & Judy” is?

It’s an afternoon talk show on Channel 4…a little bit like Regis and whoever Regis’s cohost is now (but in the afternoon) in the US. They have authors, actors, etc. on. Here’s their website:


Have a heart, Diogenesafter all, she’s worth 59 points!