I haven’t read the books or really know anything about Harry Potter but I ended up going to the midnight showing last night with Mahaloth and a couple of friends.
It is a good movie that I thought was fairly well paced, great acting, even greater special effects, and fun to watch. The kids were excellent but the scene stealer was the giant who’s name I can’t really remember. It was midnight for crying out loud.
The only possibly bad thing was that the movie setting was generally dark or spooky so the little kid behind me was getting all scared, complaining to her mom, and kicking my chair throughout the movie. I wouldn’t take really little kids to see the movie for two reasons: it might scare them and it’s 2 1/2 hours long.
[hijack]Who takes a little kid to a midnight showing? It seemed they were there more for the parent then the kid. Quite distracting at times.[/hijack]
There seemed to be a lot of foreshadowing for the future books/movies. Was there this much in the books? Also, anybody see the movie AND read the book? I assume it was very accurate but what were the differences and did they help or hurt the story?