Has any centralized organization been around longer than the Catholic Church?

One thing that’s occurred to me is that the Catholic Church is an organization which has been around for roughly 2,000 years. It has had a continuous line of leadership since then.

Has any other type of religious, political, or corporate organization had a continous existence for anywhere near this long, or ever longer?


But is Judaism really centralized though? They don’t have a “head honcho” like the Pope that I’m aware of, and their Sanhedrin has been out of operation since 70 A.D I think.

Judaism isn’t yet centralised. Does Zoroastrianism have a central authority?

My answer applied to the second paragraph of your OP, re: “continuous existence”.

Judaism as a religion has had a continuous existence for longer than Christianity, so has Hinduism. But I’m talking more along the lines of a particular denomination that selects leaders.

There were some threads in recent weeks about the oldest companies in the world and some claimed to date back to B.C. years. How reliable that lineage may be is for others to decide.

The Papacy dates back, essentially to the Ascension of Christ, because that was the day that Peter was finally in charge without his boss around to tell him what to do.

Japanese Empire.

The royal family of Japan can trace their lineage back to around 500AD. But during most of that time, Japan was hardly a unified or centralized organization.

The Egyptians had a centralized government under a Pharoah for several thousand years (maybe 3000 total, i’m not sure).