Has anyone had any luck with this type of bird feeder?

I’m wondering about this type of oriole feeder. The ones with the big globe of orange nectar, or the little tray of same. I’ve seen them in stores but never seen one in use. Do they work? I am trying to attract different types of birds to my backyard and would dearly love to get some orioles. I live in the Northeast US, and only two types of oriole are likely to visit: Northern (Baltimore) and Orchard.

The alternative is to just put some fruit out, I hear. Has anyone gotten orioles to come to their yard this way? There are no fruit trees in my yard, and I am a pathetic horticulturalist.

Do orioles nest nearby (do you see them on occasion during the spring)? If so, you might be able to attract them in at that time with mealworms (ugh).

Being into platforms, I haven’t used the feeder myself. But I have seen a number of tanagers, honeycreepers, and bananquits drink at nectar feeders. And nectar is listed on the Patuxent bird site as part of their (Baltimore Oriole) diet, so I can’t see why it wouldn’t work if you have orioles in your vicinity. The trick is making the area attractive to them in the first place. Water in a birdbath is often a good attractor. Just make sure to change the water at least once a week (get rid of mosquito larvae).

You might be able to attract them in with a visual signal, such as hanging cut fruit up or putting them on a platform. Some birds like cover nearby (sorry, I don’t know what orioles prefer so hopefully someone with oriole experience will pop in). But you don’t want feeders too close to cover which may act as a predator hiding place. When you do use the feeder, just be persistent. Sometimes it takes a while for birds to find a new food source, then BAM! Oriole delight! Good luck and take pictures. :cool: <-appropriately colored smiley

We have had good success with orioles feeding from an ordinary humming bird feeder, the kind with a bottle feeding sugar water to a flat disk with indentations in the disk. The orioles will grab on the hanger and dip in. I have had no success spiking orange halfs on a fence post. It does draw flies, though.

Me too Spavined Gelding. It is fun to watch them try and get to the Hummingbird feeders. I had one that was shaped like an egg - it suction cupped to the window and had a tube like a hamster water bottle. The Orioles would have to turn upside down and walk down the tube to get to the nectar. Unfortunately that feeder broke and I haven’t been able to find another like it. I hadn’t set out to attract the Orioles, but they come to Hummingbird feeders.

Thanks for all the replies, folks. I don’t have a platform feeder yet but maybe I’ll go that route instead…it sounds like it gives me more versatility.

I haven’t noticed orioles nearby in the spring brachy, but I have had other things on my mind the last couple of years. This is the first time in a while I can actually devote some time to this kind of thing.

Our house is on a lot of only 1/4 acre. We are surrounded by other houses on similar sized lots. The neighborhood is “small-townish” rather than suburban, if that makes sense, but there is a good sized wetland nearby. I have seen or heard a good number of bird species from my property in the 7 years we’ve lived here…I think I am up to 35+ species, by actual count. I have a long term plan to try to make our yard more attractive to birds…I am trying to get trumpet creeper to grow to bring in hummingbirds, for instance. Like I said though, my gardening seems to be much effort with little result.

I had been holding off on the birdbath until our son is a little older. Kids always seem to be knocking those things over!

Long term, I would like to plant some friut trees. I was afraid of drawing flies with pieces of fruit left out, and Spavined Gelding’s experience isn’t too encouraging! Do the birds at least eat the flies SG?

If you’re worried about the kids knocking over a birdbath, you could try one that hangs – one of mine is a smallish dish suspended from three chains. I’ve also got one that’s a smallish metal dish welded to a copper pipe that I’ve got stuck into a flower bed – also not terribly tippy.

On trumpet vines – they’re very easy to grow – I’ve got one covering a ten-foot high chainlink fence at the back of my yard, and the problem is keeping it under control. They do attract hummingbirds, though – I see them regularly (if not necessarily often) in my definitely urban yard.

Another super-hardy, easy-to-grow plant that attracts colorful birds: Echinacea (coneflower). The only time I’ve seen goldfinches in my yard is when they’re feeding on the seedheads in the fall.

Re: hummingbird feeders – I’ve heard the sugar water in them ferments to alcohol and that it’s threfore really bad to use them. The guy who told me this is an extremely serious gardener (verging on nuttiness, which is why I’m not sure whether to believe him). His cite was a self-written tract.

I know trumpet creeper is easy to grow, the trick for me is getting it started. I haven’t been able to find it for sale anywhere around here, and none of my friends have it growing on their property. I have considered just stopping at a house where I see it growing and asking if I can take a cutting. I finally found some seeds on line, but apparently this avenue isn’t foolproof-wild plants apparently don’t grow from seeds as readily as domesticated ones that have been bred for this. Besides, I am an inept gardener. Truly inept. My previous postings have obviously not gotten across to you the level of my horticultural ineptitude. I couldn’t grow dandelions if I tried.

As far as the sugar water fermenting to alcohol, well that is true. I know all about that…if you check my profile one of my hobbies is beer brewing :smiley: . I think one is ok with the bird feeders as long as one keeps them clean, and changes the mixture often, especially in the summer, like every other day minimum.

Wasn’t doubting him on the fermenting part – just on the “so it’s so dangerous to the hummingbirds you should never use them” part. Anyone else heard this?

My WAG is that alcohol would be extremely detrimental to the hummingbirds. It’s a toxin.

Maybe his feeling is that most people are not going to be concientious enough to change the fluid more than once a week, and he may have a point there. So yeah, they can be dangerous to the birds, if you aren’t careful.