Has anyone had experience with the Men's Alliance?

I was walking our dogs through the parking lot of a local Methodist church and saw they had just installed a 20’ storage container on blocks in the parking lot. The container had a flagpole at one corner with an American (USA) flag on top and a (mostly) back flag beneath it. The black flag looked sort of like a typical MIA flag, but I could see as I got closer that it was a “Men’s Alliance” flag. There were even solar-powered lights below it to illuminate it at night.

I came back to the house and tried to learn a bit more about the Men’s Alliance. It has always been my impression that this church was pretty liberal, but after spending some time on the Men’s Alliance website, I’m not so sure.

Am I just totally out of the loop about this group? Does anyone know anything more about it (other than what is posted on their site)?

I mean, I don’t want to stereotype, but I didn’t need to go much further than the skulls and the ads for their own coffee to form a preliminary opinion. The page on what they believe just confirmed this.

Looks like A Christian outdoorsy/camping frat to me. What you get when your typical church men’s fellowship mtg gets together and say “what can we do to feel more manly and rugged and give us an excuse to use church funds for camping/fishing trips and buying tacticool gear? For Jesus, of course.”

I mean I could be wrong but that’s the impression/vibe I get.

A combination of Promise Keepers and dudebro douchiness.

Here’s what we believe in addition to our Statement of Faith:

There are only two genders. And Men’s Alliance is for biological males ages 13 and older.

There is no such thing as your truth. There’s only the truth.

Different religions are not different paths to the same God. Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the way, the truth, and the life, and he said that no one gets to God except through him. (John 14:6). We’re with him!
All men need to work out. Strength is necessary. Men are designed to be protectors, and if God has blessed you with the health to workout, it would be evil of you to waste that talent (Matthew 25:14-30).

Incels for Jesus.

Neglecteth Not the Day of the Legs

Good Grief

BTW…whoever said. “Doucheiness” it’s not applicable to men.
Douche is a women’s product. For girly parts. Using it as a bad name to call a person is just not right. IMHO as a PSA.

No. Do you ever do research? (rhetorical question)

Yes there are vaginal douches. Also anal ones. Douche is short for douchebag. You can take it from there.

Juggalos for Jesus looks like a lot more fun, as sausagefests go

" You wanna reach God? You have to go through MEEEE!!!"

Can we get a link to the classic SNL Argyle, Sandwich, Douchebag skit?

Thanks for the info. I feel like taking a shower now.

How many men on this board ever used a douche before?

Think not.
I know the pejorative use.

I don’t like it.

I don’t care.

I realize that.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but a douche is something that guys think women need, but women don’t need, and in fact is irritating and harmful to women.

You are correct. It is indeed irritating and potentially harmful to women, literally and also in my experience, figuratively.

@Beckdawrek, I’m with you.

Interesting. I always thought that “douche” was a great term for the type of dude who thinks they’re great for women, but who’s actually irritating and harmful to women. You’re not a fan of the insult?